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Outputs (22)

Origin of parietal podocytes in atubular glomeruli mapped by lineage tracing (2013)
Journal Article
Schulte, K., Arkill, K., Berger, K., Boor, P., Jirak, P., Gelman, I., Neal, C., Kriz, W., Floege, J., Smeets, B., & Moeller, M. J. (2014). Origin of parietal podocytes in atubular glomeruli mapped by lineage tracing. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 25(1), 129-141.

Parietal podocytes are fully differentiated podocytes lining Bowman's capsule where normally only parietal epithelial cells (PECs) are found. Parietal podocytes formthroughout life and are regularly observed in human biopsies, particularly in atubula... Read More about Origin of parietal podocytes in atubular glomeruli mapped by lineage tracing.

Proline Rich Homeodomain (PRH/HHEX) protein in the control of haematopoiesis and myeloid cell proliferation and its potential as a therapeutic target in myeloid leukaemias and other cancers. (2013)
Book Chapter
Kershaw, R., Gaston, K., & Jayaraman, P. (2013). Proline Rich Homeodomain (PRH/HHEX) protein in the control of haematopoiesis and myeloid cell proliferation and its potential as a therapeutic target in myeloid leukaemias and other cancers. In S. Douglas (Ed.), Myeloid cells: biology & regulation, role in cancer progression and potential implications for therapy. NOVA Publishers

Epigenetic Regulation of Sensory Axon Regeneration after Spinal Cord Injury (2013)
Journal Article
Finelli, M. J., Wong, J. K., & Zou, H. (2013). Epigenetic Regulation of Sensory Axon Regeneration after Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(50), 19664-19676.

Axon regeneration is hindered by a decline of intrinsic axon growth capability in mature neurons. Reversing this decline is associated with the induction of a large repertoire of regeneration-associated genes (RAGs), but the underlying regulatory mec... Read More about Epigenetic Regulation of Sensory Axon Regeneration after Spinal Cord Injury.

Docetaxel versus active symptom control for refractory oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma (COUGAR-02): an open-label, phase 3 randomised controlled trial (2013)
Journal Article
Ford, H., Marshall, A., Bridgewater, J. A., Janowitz, T., Coxon, F., Wadsley, J., Mansoor, W., Fyfe, D., Madhusudan, S., Middleton, G., Swinson, D., Falk, S., Chau, I., Cunningham, D., Kareclas, P., Cook, N., Blazeby, J. M., & Dunn, J. A. (2014). Docetaxel versus active symptom control for refractory oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma (COUGAR-02): an open-label, phase 3 randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncology, 15(1),

BACKGROUND: Second-line chemotherapy for patients with oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma refractory to platinum and fluoropyrimidines has not shown benefits in health-related quality of life (HRQoL). We assessed whether the addition of docetaxel to act... Read More about Docetaxel versus active symptom control for refractory oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma (COUGAR-02): an open-label, phase 3 randomised controlled trial.

c-Met inhibition in aHOXA9/Meis1model of CN-AML (2013)
Journal Article
Mulgrew, N. M., Kettyle, L. M., Ramsey, J. M., Cull, S., Smyth, L. J., Mervyn, D. M., Bijl, J. J., & Thompson, A. (2013). c-Met inhibition in aHOXA9/Meis1model of CN-AML. Developmental Dynamics, 243(1),

Background: Hematopoiesis is a paradigm for developmental processes, hierarchically organized, with stem cells at its origin. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) replenish progenitor and precursor cells of multiple lineages, which normally differentiate... Read More about c-Met inhibition in aHOXA9/Meis1model of CN-AML.

SHON Is a novel estrogen-regulated oncogene in mammary carcinoma that predicts patient response to endocrine therapy (2013)
Journal Article
Jung, Y., Abdel-Fatah, T., Chan, S., Nolan, C., Green, A., Ellis, I., Li, L., Huang, B., Lu, J., Xu, B., Chen, L., Ma, R., Zhang, M., Wang, J., Wu, Z., Zhu, T., Perry, J., Lobie, P., & Liu, D.-X. (2013). SHON Is a novel estrogen-regulated oncogene in mammary carcinoma that predicts patient response to endocrine therapy. Cancer Research, 73(23), 6951-6962.

Endocrine therapies are the primary systemic intervention for patients with estrogen receptor–positive (ER+) breast cancer. However, a significant proportion of initially responsive ER+ tumors develop resistance, with relapses occurring in up to 50%... Read More about SHON Is a novel estrogen-regulated oncogene in mammary carcinoma that predicts patient response to endocrine therapy.

PRH/HHex inhibits the migration of breast and prostate epithelial cells through direct transcriptional regulation of Endoglin (2013)
Journal Article
Kershaw, R. M., Siddiqui, Y. H., Roberts, D., Jayaraman, P.-S., & Gaston, K. (2014). PRH/HHex inhibits the migration of breast and prostate epithelial cells through direct transcriptional regulation of Endoglin. Oncogene, 33, 5592-5600.

PRH/HHex (proline-rich homeodomain protein) is a transcription factor that controls cell proliferation and cell differentiation in a variety of tissues. Aberrant subcellular localisation of PRH is associated with breast cancer and thyroid cancer. Fur... Read More about PRH/HHex inhibits the migration of breast and prostate epithelial cells through direct transcriptional regulation of Endoglin.

PIASγ expression in relation to clinicopathological, tumour factors and survival in indigenous black breast cancer women (2013)
Journal Article
Agboola, A., Musa, A., Banjo, A., Ayoade, B., Deji-Agboola, M., Nolan, C., Rakha, E., Ellis, I., & Green, A. (2014). PIASγ expression in relation to clinicopathological, tumour factors and survival in indigenous black breast cancer women. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 67(4), 301-306.

Aim: Indigenous black women with breast cancer (BC) show a high frequency of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) comprising ER-, PR- and HER2- phenotypes and BRCA1 deficiency together with a high mortality rate, prompting speculation that risk facto... Read More about PIASγ expression in relation to clinicopathological, tumour factors and survival in indigenous black breast cancer women.