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Outputs (106)

Grassmann variables and pseudoclassical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (2016)
Journal Article
Damion, R. A. (2016). Grassmann variables and pseudoclassical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Diffusion Fundamentals, 26, 1-23

The concept of a propagator is useful and is a well-known object in diffusion NMR experiments. Here, we investigate the related concept; the propagator for the magnetization or the Green's function of the Torrey-Bloch equations. The magnetization pro... Read More about Grassmann variables and pseudoclassical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

Potential pitfalls when denoising resting state fMRI data using nuisance regression (2016)
Journal Article
Bright, M. G., Tench, C. R., & Murphy, K. (2017). Potential pitfalls when denoising resting state fMRI data using nuisance regression. NeuroImage, 154, 159-168.

In resting state fMRI, it is necessary to remove signal variance associated with noise sources, leaving cleaned fMRI time-series that more accurately reflect the underlying intrinsic brain fluctuations of interest. This is commonly achieved through n... Read More about Potential pitfalls when denoising resting state fMRI data using nuisance regression.

Understanding the relationship between costs and the modified Rankin Scale: a systematic review, multidisciplinary consensus and recommendations for future studies (2016)
Journal Article
Wilson, A., Bath, P. M., Berge, E., Cadilhac, D. A., Cuche, M., Ford, G. A., Macisaac, R., Quinn, T. J., Taylor, M., Walters, M., Wolff, C., & Lees, K. R. (2017). Understanding the relationship between costs and the modified Rankin Scale: a systematic review, multidisciplinary consensus and recommendations for future studies. European Stroke Journal, 2(1),

Background and purpose: Cost-of-illness studies often describe a single aggregate cost of a disease state. This approach is less helpful for a condition with a spectrum of outcomes like stroke. The modified Rankin Scale is the most commonly used outc... Read More about Understanding the relationship between costs and the modified Rankin Scale: a systematic review, multidisciplinary consensus and recommendations for future studies.

Assessing microstructural substrates of white matter abnormalities: a comparative study using DTI and NODDI (2016)
Journal Article
Timmers, I., Roebroeck, A., Bastiani, M., Jansma, B., Rubio-Gozalbo, E., & Zhang, H. (2016). Assessing microstructural substrates of white matter abnormalities: a comparative study using DTI and NODDI. PLoS ONE, 11(12), Article e0167884.

Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) enables more specific characterization of tissue microstructure by estimating neurite density (NDI) and orientation dispersion (ODI), two key contributors to fractional anisotropy (FA). The p... Read More about Assessing microstructural substrates of white matter abnormalities: a comparative study using DTI and NODDI.

Novel strategies for assessing platelet reactivity (2016)
Journal Article
Algahtani, M., & Heptinstall, S. (2017). Novel strategies for assessing platelet reactivity. Future Cardiology, 13(1),

There are many approaches to assessing platelet reactivity and many uses for such measurements. Initially, measurements were based on the ability of platelets separated from other blood cells to aggregate together following activation with an appropr... Read More about Novel strategies for assessing platelet reactivity.

Terminal sterilization: conventional methods versus emerging cold atmospheric pressure plasma technology for non-viable biological tissues (2016)
Journal Article
Marsit, N. M., Sidney, L. E., Branch, M. J., Wilson, S. L., & Hopkinson, A. (in press). Terminal sterilization: conventional methods versus emerging cold atmospheric pressure plasma technology for non-viable biological tissues. Plasma Processes and Polymers,

Tissue products are susceptible to microbial contamination from different sources, which may cause disease transmission upon transplantation. Terminal sterilization using gamma radiation, electron-beam, and ethylene oxide protocols are well-establish... Read More about Terminal sterilization: conventional methods versus emerging cold atmospheric pressure plasma technology for non-viable biological tissues.

Dependency and health utilities in stroke: data to inform cost-effectiveness analyses (2016)
Journal Article
Ali, M., MacIsaac, R., Quinn, T. J., Bath, P. M., Veenstra, D. L., Xu, Y., Brady, M. C., Patel, A., & Lees, K. R. (2017). Dependency and health utilities in stroke: data to inform cost-effectiveness analyses. European Stroke Journal, 2(1),

Introduction: Health utilities (HU) assign preference weights to specific health states and are required for costeffectiveness analyses. Existing HU for stroke inadequately reflect the spectrum of post-stroke disability. Using international stroke tr... Read More about Dependency and health utilities in stroke: data to inform cost-effectiveness analyses.

Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection via Priming of Auditory Cortical Circuits (2016)
Journal Article
Sollini, J., & Chadderton, P. (2016). Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection via Priming of Auditory Cortical Circuits. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(49), 12299-12311.

Acoustic environments are composed of complex overlapping sounds that the auditory system is required to segregate into discrete perceptual objects. The functions of distinct auditory processing stations in this challenging task are poorly understood... Read More about Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection via Priming of Auditory Cortical Circuits.

Decreased interferon-β induced STAT-4 activation in immune cells and clinical outcome in multiple sclerosis (2016)
Journal Article
Tanasescu, R., Midgley, A., Robins, R. A., & Constantinescu, C. S. (in press). Decreased interferon-β induced STAT-4 activation in immune cells and clinical outcome in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica,

Objectives. Interferon-β (IFN-β) is used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). IFN-β activation of signal transduction and activation of transcription (STAT)-4 is linked to its immunomodulatory effects. Previous studies suggest a type I IFN de... Read More about Decreased interferon-β induced STAT-4 activation in immune cells and clinical outcome in multiple sclerosis.