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Arterial spin labelling perfusion MRI analysis for the Human Connectome Project Lifespan Ageing and Development studies (2025)
Journal Article
Kirk, T. F., McConnell, F. A. K., Toner, J., Craig, M. S., Carone, D., Li, X., Suzuki, Y., Coalson, T. S., Harms, M. P., Glasser, M. F., & Chappell, M. A. (2025). Arterial spin labelling perfusion MRI analysis for the Human Connectome Project Lifespan Ageing and Development studies. Imaging Neuroscience, 3, Article imag_a_00444.

The Human Connectome Project Lifespan studies cover the Development (5-21) and Aging (36-100+) phases of life. Arterial spin labelling (ASL) was included in the imaging protocol, resulting in one of the largest datasets collected to-date of high spat... Read More about Arterial spin labelling perfusion MRI analysis for the Human Connectome Project Lifespan Ageing and Development studies.

Validation of the estimation of the macrovascular contribution in multi‐timepoint arterial spin labeling MRI using a 2‐component kinetic model (2021)
Journal Article
Plas, M. C. E., Craig, M., Schmid, S., Chappell, M. A., & Osch, M. J. P. (2022). Validation of the estimation of the macrovascular contribution in multi‐timepoint arterial spin labeling MRI using a 2‐component kinetic model. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 87(1), 85-101.

In this paper, the ability to quantify cerebral blood flow by arterial spin labeling (ASL) was studied by investigating the separation of the macrovascular and tissue component using a 2-component model. Underlying assumptions of this model,... Read More about Validation of the estimation of the macrovascular contribution in multi‐timepoint arterial spin labeling MRI using a 2‐component kinetic model.

Study Protocol: The Heart and Brain Study (2021)
Journal Article
Suri, S., Bulte, D., Chiesa, S. T., Ebmeier, K. P., Jezzard, P., Rieger, S. W., Pitt, J. E., Griffanti, L., Okell, T. W., Craig, M., Chappell, M. A., Blockley, N. P., Kivimäki, M., Singh-Manoux, A., Khir, A. W., Hughes, A. D., Deanfield, J. E., Jensen, D. E. A., Green, S. F., Sigutova, V., …Mackay, C. E. (2021). Study Protocol: The Heart and Brain Study. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, Article 643725.

Background: It is well-established that what is good for the heart is good for the brain. Vascular factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol, and genetic factors such as the apolipoprotein E4 allele increase the risk of developing... Read More about Study Protocol: The Heart and Brain Study.

Does the magnetization transfer effect bias chemical exchange saturation transfer effects? Quantifying chemical exchange saturation transfer in the presence of magnetization transfer (2020)
Journal Article
Smith, A. K., Ray, K. J., Larkin, J. R., Craig, M., Smith, S. A., & Chappell, M. A. (2020). Does the magnetization transfer effect bias chemical exchange saturation transfer effects? Quantifying chemical exchange saturation transfer in the presence of magnetization transfer. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 84(3), 1359-1375.