What is the evidence-base for atopic eczema treatments? A summary of published randomised controlled trials
Journal Article
Nankervis, H., Thomas, K., Delamere, F. M., Barbarot, S., Smith, S., Rogers, N. K., & Williams, H. C. (in press). What is the evidence-base for atopic eczema treatments? A summary of published randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Dermatology, 176(4), https://doi.org/10.1111/bjd.14999
Atopic eczema (AE) is a common chronic inflammatory skin condition. Whilst many AE treatment options are available, the evidence to support their efficacy varies in depth and quality. In 2000, an NIHR HTA systematic review identified and evaluated ex... Read More about What is the evidence-base for atopic eczema treatments? A summary of published randomised controlled trials.