Students' perceptions on chatbots' potential and design characteristics in healthcare education
Book Chapter
Stathakarou, N., Nifakos, S., Karlgren, K., Konstantinidis, S. T., Bamidis, P. D., Pattichis, C. S., & Davoody, N. (2020). Students' perceptions on chatbots' potential and design characteristics in healthcare education. In J. Mantas, A. Hasman, M. S. Househ, P. Gallos, & E. Zoulias (Eds.), The importance of health informatics in public health during a pandemic (209-212). IOS Press.
Chatbots may have the potential to support healthcare education by enabling personalized learning. Trust is a pre-requisite for the users to accept the chatbots. In this study we analyzed students' assignments of the MSc course "User Needs, Requireme... Read More about Students' perceptions on chatbots' potential and design characteristics in healthcare education.