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Outputs (5)

Social, cultural and community engagement and mental health: cross-disciplinary, co-produced research agenda (2020)
Journal Article
Fancourt, D., Bhui, K., Chatterjee, H., Crawford, P., Crossick, G., DeNora, T., & South, J. (2021). Social, cultural and community engagement and mental health: cross-disciplinary, co-produced research agenda. BJPsych Open, 7(1), Article e3.

Background: There is increasing cross-disciplinary research on the relationship between individuals’ social, cultural and community engagement (SCCE) and mental health. SCCE includes engagement in the arts, culture and heritage, libraries and literat... Read More about Social, cultural and community engagement and mental health: cross-disciplinary, co-produced research agenda.

Discursive construction of the patient in online clinical cancer pathways information (2020)
Journal Article
Margrethe Aasen, E., Crawford, P., & Misund Dahl, B. (2020). Discursive construction of the patient in online clinical cancer pathways information. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(11), 3113-3122.

Aim: To explore how the patient is constructed and socially positioned in discourses of web-based pathways information available to cancer patients in Norway.
Design: Mixed qualitative and quantitative design, using Corpus-Assisted Critical Discours... Read More about Discursive construction of the patient in online clinical cancer pathways information.

Introduction: Global Health Humanities and the Rise of Creative Public Health (2020)
Book Chapter
Crawford, P. (2020). Introduction: Global Health Humanities and the Rise of Creative Public Health. In The Routledge Companion to Health Humanities. Routledge

Health humanities is a fast-growing field of research, education, and practice that has generated a more inclusive, democratizing and applied approach to arts and humanities in health care, health, and well-being. Its rise over the past thirteen year... Read More about Introduction: Global Health Humanities and the Rise of Creative Public Health.

Poetry and male eating disorders (2020)
Book Chapter
Bartel, H., & Baker, C. (2020). Poetry and male eating disorders. In P. Crawford, B. Brown, & A. Charise (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Health Humanities (248-254). Taylor & Francis (Routledge)

Literary texts—from autobiographies and novels to self-help books and poetry—that explore experiences of illness can give unique and poignant insights into the states of mind and lives of individuals affected by physical or mental ill health. This ch... Read More about Poetry and male eating disorders.