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Developing a prototype digital risk mitigation pathway for children and young people admitted to acute paediatric NHS care in mental health crisis: Protocol of the Safety Assessment in Paediatric healthcare Environments (SAPhE) pathway study (2023)
Journal Article
Manning, J. C., Marufu, T. C., Carter, T., Bolton, S., Breedon, P., Craven, M., Frost, K., Harbottle, A., Hendron, E., Patel, J., Rad, L., White, P., Wood, D., Albelbisi, Z., Kaltsa, A., Stevenson, C., Landa, P., Coad, J., & APhE Pathway Study Investigators, A. P. S. I. (2023). Developing a prototype digital risk mitigation pathway for children and young people admitted to acute paediatric NHS care in mental health crisis: Protocol of the Safety Assessment in Paediatric healthcare Environments (SAPhE) pathway study. Digital Health, 9,

Background: Globally, there are increasing numbers of Children and young people (CYPs) experiencing a mental health crisis requiring admission to acute paediatric inpatient care. These CYPs can often experience fluctuating emotional states accompanie... Read More about Developing a prototype digital risk mitigation pathway for children and young people admitted to acute paediatric NHS care in mental health crisis: Protocol of the Safety Assessment in Paediatric healthcare Environments (SAPhE) pathway study.

Design decisions and data completeness for experience sampling methods used in psychosis: systematic review (2022)
Journal Article
Deakin, E., Ng, F., Young, E., Thorpe, N., Newby, C., Coupland, C., Craven, M., & Slade, M. (2022). Design decisions and data completeness for experience sampling methods used in psychosis: systematic review. BMC Psychiatry, 22, Article 669.

Background: The experience sampling method (ESM) is an intensive longitudinal research method. Participants complete questionnaires at multiple times about their current or very recent state. The design of ESM studies is complex. People with psychosi... Read More about Design decisions and data completeness for experience sampling methods used in psychosis: systematic review.

A systematic literature review and meta-analysis on digital health interventions for people living with dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment (2022)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Bosco, A., Rai, H., Craven, M., McNally, D., Todd, C., Booth, V., Cowley, A., Howe, L., & Harwood, R. H. (2022). A systematic literature review and meta-analysis on digital health interventions for people living with dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 37(6),

Objectives: Digital health interventions enable services to support people living with dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) remotely. This literature review gathers evidence on the effectiveness of digital health interventions on physical, co... Read More about A systematic literature review and meta-analysis on digital health interventions for people living with dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment.