The role of stakeholders' evaluation on the quality of reusable learning objects following the ASPIRE participatory framework
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ho, M., Taylor, M., McSharry, E., Bergmann-Tyacke, I., Santos, M. R., Dhaeze, M., Brown, M., Hall, C., & Konstantinidis, S. T. (2021, March). The role of stakeholders' evaluation on the quality of reusable learning objects following the ASPIRE participatory framework. Presented at 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Online Conference
As the population is becoming increasingly culturally diverse, there is a growing need for nurses to provide culturally competent care. It has been suggested that health disparities exist within in ethnic minorities and by providing culturally compet... Read More about The role of stakeholders' evaluation on the quality of reusable learning objects following the ASPIRE participatory framework.