Is looped nasogastric tube feeding more effective than conventional nasogastric tube feeding for dysphagia in acute stroke?
Journal Article
Beavan, J. R., Conroy, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., Bowling, T., Gaynor, C., Gladman, J., Good, D., Gorman, P., Harwood, R., Riley, J., Sach, T., & Sunman, W. (2007). Is looped nasogastric tube feeding more effective than conventional nasogastric tube feeding for dysphagia in acute stroke?. Trials, 8(19), 1-6.
Dysphagia occurs in up to 50% of patients admitted to hospital with acute strokes with up to 27% remaining by seven days. Up to 8% continue to have swallowing problems six months after their stroke with 1.7% still requiring enteral feed...
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