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Outputs (13)

Development and Evaluation of a Recovery College Fidelity Measure (2018)
Journal Article
Toney, R., Knight, J., Hamill, K., Taylor, A., Henderson, C., Crowther, A., Meddings, S., Barbic, S., Jennings, H., Pollock, K., Bates, P., Repper, J., & Slade, M. (2019). Development and Evaluation of a Recovery College Fidelity Measure. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / Revue Canadienene de Psychiatrie, 64(6), 405-414.

Objective: Recovery Colleges are widespread, with little empirical research on their key components. This study aimed to characterise key components of Recovery Colleges, and to develop and evaluate (i) a developmental checklist and (ii) a quantitati... Read More about Development and Evaluation of a Recovery College Fidelity Measure.

Effectiveness of short message services and voice call interventions for antiretroviral therapy adherence and other outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Amankwaa, I., Boateng, D., Quansah, D. Y., Akuoko, C. P., & Evans, C. (2018). Effectiveness of short message services and voice call interventions for antiretroviral therapy adherence and other outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 13(9), 1-20.

The potential of using mobile phone technologies to improve antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence has provided a new facet to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) research. The quality of evidence and the strength of recommendations of exi... Read More about Effectiveness of short message services and voice call interventions for antiretroviral therapy adherence and other outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Mechanisms of action and outcomes for students in Recovery Colleges (2018)
Journal Article
Toney, R., Elton, D., Munday, E., Hamill, K., Crowther, A., Meddings, S., Taylor, A., Henderson, C., Jennings, H., Waring, J., Pollock, K., Bates, P., & Slade, M. (2018). Mechanisms of action and outcomes for students in Recovery Colleges. Psychiatric Services, 69(12), 1222-1229.

Recovery Colleges are widespread, with little empirical research on how they work and outcomes they produce. This study aimed to co-produce a change model characterising mechanisms of action and outcomes for mental health service users att... Read More about Mechanisms of action and outcomes for students in Recovery Colleges.

Analytical ultracentrifugation in saliva research: Impact of green tea astringency and its significance on the in-vivo aroma release (2018)
Journal Article
Dinu, V., Liu, C., Ali, J., Ayed, C., Gershkovich, P., Adams, G. G., Harding, S. E., & Fisk, I. (2018). Analytical ultracentrifugation in saliva research: Impact of green tea astringency and its significance on the in-vivo aroma release. Scientific Reports, 8, 1-9.

Current saliva testing methods rely on cutting edge yet expensive techniques for the detection and analysis of genetic material, proteins and biomarkers for clinical use. However, these techniques are limited in scope and often cannot be used with co... Read More about Analytical ultracentrifugation in saliva research: Impact of green tea astringency and its significance on the in-vivo aroma release.

Managing employees undergoing total hip and knee replacement: experiences of workplace representatives (2018)
Journal Article
Nouri, F., Coole, C., Narayanasamy, M., Baker, P., Khan, S., & Drummond, A. (2018). Managing employees undergoing total hip and knee replacement: experiences of workplace representatives. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation,

Joint replacement is a cost-effective and efficient method of relieving pain, and improving function and health related quality of life, for people with arthritis of the hip and knee [1]. Arthritis-related loss of physical function is associated with... Read More about Managing employees undergoing total hip and knee replacement: experiences of workplace representatives.

Assessment tools of immediate risk of self-harm and suicide in children and young people: a scoping review (2018)
Journal Article
Carter, T., Walker, G. M., Aubeeluck, A., & Manning, J. C. (2018). Assessment tools of immediate risk of self-harm and suicide in children and young people: a scoping review. Journal of Child Health Care,

There are increasing numbers of children presenting to paediatric hospital settings in mental health crisis. Typically, non-mental health professionals are responsible for the initial assessment of these children and are required to identify immediat... Read More about Assessment tools of immediate risk of self-harm and suicide in children and young people: a scoping review.