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Development and validation of the DIabetes Severity SCOre (DISSCO) in 139 626 individuals with type 2 diabetes: a retrospective cohort study (2020)
Journal Article
Zghebi, S. S., Mamas, M. A., Ashcroft, D. M., Salisbury, C., Mallen, C. D., Chew-Graham, C. A., Reeves, D., Van Marwijk, H., Qureshi, N., Weng, S., Holt, T., Buchan, I., Peek, N., Giles, S., Rutter, M. K., & Kontopantelis, E. (2020). Development and validation of the DIabetes Severity SCOre (DISSCO) in 139 626 individuals with type 2 diabetes: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 8(1), Article e000962.

Objective: Clinically-applicable diabetes severity measures are lacking, with no previous studies compared their predictive value to HbA1c. We developed and validated a type 2 diabetes severity score (DISSCO) and evaluated its association with risks... Read More about Development and validation of the DIabetes Severity SCOre (DISSCO) in 139 626 individuals with type 2 diabetes: a retrospective cohort study.

Secondary care specialist visits made by children and young people prescribed antidepressants in primary care: A descriptive study using the QResearch database (2020)
Journal Article
Jack, R. H., Joseph, R. M., Coupland, C., Butler, D., Hollis, C., Morriss, R., Knaggs, R. D., Cipriani, A., Cortese, S., & Hippisley-Cox, J. (2020). Secondary care specialist visits made by children and young people prescribed antidepressants in primary care: A descriptive study using the QResearch database. BMC Medicine, 18(1), Article 93.

© 2020 The Author(s). Background: Antidepressants may be used to manage a number of conditions in children and young people including depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. UK guidelines for the treatment of depression in children an... Read More about Secondary care specialist visits made by children and young people prescribed antidepressants in primary care: A descriptive study using the QResearch database.

Psychosocial and behavioural prognostic factors for diabetic foot ulcer development and healing: a systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Westby, M., Norman, G., Vedhara, K., Game, F., & Cullum, N. A. (2020). Psychosocial and behavioural prognostic factors for diabetic foot ulcer development and healing: a systematic review. Diabetic Medicine, 37(8), 1244-1255.

Aim: To investigate whether ulceration, amputation and healing of foot ulcers in people living with diabetes are associated with psychosocial and behavioural factors.

Methods: We searched MEDLINE, Embase, PsychINFO, CINAHL and The Cochrane Library... Read More about Psychosocial and behavioural prognostic factors for diabetic foot ulcer development and healing: a systematic review.

Incidence, prevalence and mortality of bullous pemphigoid in England 1998–2017: a population-based cohort study* (2020)
Journal Article
Persson, M. S., Harman, K. E., Vinogradova, Y., Langan, S. M., Thomas, K. S., Hippisley-Cox, J., & Gran, S. (2021). Incidence, prevalence and mortality of bullous pemphigoid in England 1998–2017: a population-based cohort study*. British Journal of Dermatology, 184(1), 68-77.

Background: A rising incidence and high mortality were found for bullous pemphigoid (BP) over a decade ago in the UK. Updated estimates of its epidemiology are required to understand the healthcare needs of an ageing population. Objectives: To determ... Read More about Incidence, prevalence and mortality of bullous pemphigoid in England 1998–2017: a population-based cohort study*.

A Mobile Phone Intervention to Improve Obesity-Related Health Behaviors of Adolescents Across Europe: Iterative Co-Design and Feasibility Study (2020)
Journal Article
Martin, A., Caon, M., Adorni, F., Andreoni, G., Ascolese, A., Atkinson, S., Bul, K., Carrion, C., Castell, C., Ciociola, V., Condon, L., Espallargues, M., Hanley, J., Jesuthasan, N., Lafortuna, C. L., Lang, A., Prinelli, F., Puidomenech Puig, E., Tabozzi, S. A., McKinstry, B., & PEGASO Fit for Future Consortium. (2020). A Mobile Phone Intervention to Improve Obesity-Related Health Behaviors of Adolescents Across Europe: Iterative Co-Design and Feasibility Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(3), Article e14118.

Background: Promotion of physical activity, healthy eating, adequate sleep and reduced sedentary behavior in adolescents is a major priority globally given the current increase in population health challenges of non-communicable diseases and risk fac... Read More about A Mobile Phone Intervention to Improve Obesity-Related Health Behaviors of Adolescents Across Europe: Iterative Co-Design and Feasibility Study.

A Mobile Phone Intervention to Improve Obesity-Related Health Behaviors of Adolescents Across Europe: Iterative Co-Design and Feasibility Study (2020)
Journal Article
Martin, A., Caon, M., Adorni, F., Andreoni, G., Ascolese, A., Atkinson, S., Bul, K., Carrion, C., Castell, C., Ciociola, V., Condon, L., Espallargues, M., Hanley, J., Jesuthasan, N., Lafortuna, C. L., Lang, A., Prinelli, F., Puidomenech Puig, E., Tabozzi, S. A., & McKinstry, B. (2020). A Mobile Phone Intervention to Improve Obesity-Related Health Behaviors of Adolescents Across Europe: Iterative Co-Design and Feasibility Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(3), Article e14118.

Background: Promotion of physical activity, healthy eating, adequate sleep, and reduced sedentary behavior in adolescents is a major priority globally given the current increase in population health challenges of noncommunicable diseases and risk fac... Read More about A Mobile Phone Intervention to Improve Obesity-Related Health Behaviors of Adolescents Across Europe: Iterative Co-Design and Feasibility Study.

External Validation of the ‘PHYT in Dementia’, a Theoretical Model Promoting Physical Activity in People with Dementia (2020)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Bosco, A., Pollock, K., Harwood, R., das Nair, R., Logan, P., Goldberg, S., Booth, V., Vedhara, K., Godfrey, M., Dunlop, M., & van der Wardt, V. (2020). External Validation of the ‘PHYT in Dementia’, a Theoretical Model Promoting Physical Activity in People with Dementia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5), Article 1544.

Physical activity is beneficial for people with dementia. We previously developed a theoretical model to explain behaviour change in physical activity in dementia (PHYT-in-dementia). This study aimed to externally validate the model. Validation occur... Read More about External Validation of the ‘PHYT in Dementia’, a Theoretical Model Promoting Physical Activity in People with Dementia.

Economic evaluation of the OSAC randomised controlled trial: Oral corticosteroids for non-asthmatic adults with acute lower respiratory tract infection in primary care (2020)
Journal Article
Carroll, F. E., Moure-Fernandez, A., Hollinghurst, S., Downing, H., Young, G., Brookes, S., May, M., El-Gohary, M., Harnden, A., Kendrick, D., Lafond, N., Little, P., Moore, M., Orton, E., Thompson, M., Timmins, D., Wang, K., & Hay, A. D. (2020). Economic evaluation of the OSAC randomised controlled trial: Oral corticosteroids for non-asthmatic adults with acute lower respiratory tract infection in primary care. BMJ Open, 10(2), Article e033567.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ. Objective To estimate the costs and outcomes associated with treating non-asthmatic adults (nor suffering from other lung-disease) presenting to primary care wit... Read More about Economic evaluation of the OSAC randomised controlled trial: Oral corticosteroids for non-asthmatic adults with acute lower respiratory tract infection in primary care.

What can trauma patients’ experiences and perspectives tell us about the perceived quality of trauma care? a qualitative study set within the uk National Health Service (2020)
Journal Article
Kellezi, B., Earthy, S., Sleney, J., Beckett, K., Barnes, J., Christie, N., Horsley, D., Jones, T., & Kendrick, D. (2020). What can trauma patients’ experiences and perspectives tell us about the perceived quality of trauma care? a qualitative study set within the uk National Health Service. Injury, 51(5), 1231-1237.

© 2020 Elsevier Ltd The global drive for improvements in the efficiency and quality of healthcare has led to the development of frameworks to assist in defining and measuring ‘good quality care’. However, such frameworks lack a systematic or meaningf... Read More about What can trauma patients’ experiences and perspectives tell us about the perceived quality of trauma care? a qualitative study set within the uk National Health Service.

Promoting healthy teenage behaviour across three European countries through the use of a novel smartphone technology platform, PEGASO fit for future: study protocol of a quasi-experimental, controlled, multi-Centre trial (2019)
Journal Article
Puigdomenech, E., Martin, A., Lang, A., Adorni, F., Gomez, S. F., McKinstry, B., Prinelli, F., Condon, L., Rashid, R., Caon, M., Atkinson, S., Lafortuna, C. L., Ciociola, V., Hanley, J., McCloughan, L., Castell, C., Espallargues, M., & and on behalf of the PEGASO Fit For Future Consortium. (2019). Promoting healthy teenage behaviour across three European countries through the use of a novel smartphone technology platform, PEGASO fit for future: study protocol of a quasi-experimental, controlled, multi-Centre trial. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19(1), Article 278.

Background: Behaviour change interventions targeting physical activity, diet, sleep and sedentary behaviour of teenagers show promise when delivered through smartphones. However, to date there is no evidence of effectiveness of multicomponent smartph... Read More about Promoting healthy teenage behaviour across three European countries through the use of a novel smartphone technology platform, PEGASO fit for future: study protocol of a quasi-experimental, controlled, multi-Centre trial.