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Evaluation of the effectiveness, implementation and cost-effectiveness of the Stay One Step Ahead home safety promotion intervention for pre-school children: a study protocol (2020)
Journal Article
Orton, E., Watson, M., Hayes, M., Patel, T., Jones, M., Coupland, C., Timblin, C., Carpenter, H., & Kendrick, D. (2020). Evaluation of the effectiveness, implementation and cost-effectiveness of the Stay One Step Ahead home safety promotion intervention for pre-school children: a study protocol. Injury Prevention, 26(6), 573-580.

Background: Unintentional injuries in children under the age of 5 years commonly occur in the home and disproportionately affect those living in disadvantaged circumstances. Targeted home safety promotion should be offered to families most at risk bu... Read More about Evaluation of the effectiveness, implementation and cost-effectiveness of the Stay One Step Ahead home safety promotion intervention for pre-school children: a study protocol.

A dynamic, modifiable model for estimating cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions in pregnancy: application to an RCT of self-help delivered by text message (2018)
Journal Article
Jones, M., Smith, M., Lewis, S., Parrott, S., & Coleman, T. (2019). A dynamic, modifiable model for estimating cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions in pregnancy: application to an RCT of self-help delivered by text message. Addiction, 114(2), 353-365.

Background/Aims: Previous evaluations of smoking cessation interventions in pregnancy have several limitations. Our solution to these limitations is the Economics of Smoking in Pregnancy (ESIP) model which estimates the lifetime cost-effectiveness of... Read More about A dynamic, modifiable model for estimating cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions in pregnancy: application to an RCT of self-help delivered by text message.