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Outputs (222)

Enhanced ‘in situ’ catalysis via microwave selective heating: catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (2014)
Journal Article
Adlington, K., McSweeney, R., Dimitrakis, G., Kingman, S. W., Robinson, J. P., & Irvine, D. J. (2014). Enhanced ‘in situ’ catalysis via microwave selective heating: catalytic chain transfer polymerisation. RSC Advances, 4(31), 16172-16180.

An extremely facile, single stage, ‘in-situ’, Catalytic Chain Transfer Polymerisation (CCTP) process has been identified, where the optimal polymerisation process was shown to depend upon a combination of catalyst characteristics (i.e. solubility, se... Read More about Enhanced ‘in situ’ catalysis via microwave selective heating: catalytic chain transfer polymerisation.

Facile one-spot synthesis of highly branched polycaprolactone (2014)
Journal Article
Nguyen, N. T., Thurecht, K. J., Howdle, S. M., & Irvine, D. J. (2014). Facile one-spot synthesis of highly branched polycaprolactone. Polymer Chemistry, 5(8),

Reported is the first solvent-free (bulk) synthesis of degradable/bioresorbable, highly branched polymers via tin octanoate Sn(Oct2) catalysed controlled ring opening co-polymerisation (ROP) of mono and di-functional lactone monomers that proceed to... Read More about Facile one-spot synthesis of highly branched polycaprolactone.

The rapid size- and shape-controlled continuous hydrothermal synthesis of metal sulphide nanomaterials (2014)
Journal Article
Dunne, P. W., Starkey, C. L., Gimeno-Fabra, M., & Lester, E. (2014). The rapid size- and shape-controlled continuous hydrothermal synthesis of metal sulphide nanomaterials. Nanoscale, 6(4), 2406-2418.

Continuous flow hydrothermal synthesis offers a cheap, green and highly scalable route for the preparation of inorganic nanomaterials which has predominantly been applied to metal oxide based materials. In this work we report the first continuous flo... Read More about The rapid size- and shape-controlled continuous hydrothermal synthesis of metal sulphide nanomaterials.

Experimental study of the hydrodynamic behaviour of slug flow in a vertical riser (2013)
Journal Article
Abdulkadir, M., Hernandez-Perez, V., Lowndes, I., Azzopardi, B. J., & Dzomeku, S. (2014). Experimental study of the hydrodynamic behaviour of slug flow in a vertical riser. Chemical Engineering Science, 106,

This paper presents an investigation of the hydrodynamics of slug flow in a vertical 67 mm internal diameter riser. The slug flow regime was generated using a multiphase air–silicone oil mixture over a range of gas (0.42<USG<1.35 m/s) and liquid (0.0...

UPLC-MS profiling of low molecular weight phlorotannin polymers in Ascophyllum nodosum, Helvetia canaliculata and Fucus spiralis (2013)
Journal Article
Tierney, M. S., Soler-Vila, A., Rai, D. K., Croft, A. K., Brunton, N. P., & Smyth, T. J. (2014). UPLC-MS profiling of low molecular weight phlorotannin polymers in Ascophyllum nodosum, Helvetia canaliculata and Fucus spiralis. Metabolomics, 10(3),

Phlorotannins are a group of complex polymers, found in particular brown macroalgae, composed solely of the monomer phloroglucinol (1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene). Their structural complexity arises from the number of possible linkage positions between eac... Read More about UPLC-MS profiling of low molecular weight phlorotannin polymers in Ascophyllum nodosum, Helvetia canaliculata and Fucus spiralis.

Optimisation of biomass milling for conveyance and combustion (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Williams, O., Eastwick, C., Lester, E., Giddings, D., & Byrne, N. Optimisation of biomass milling for conveyance and combustion. Presented at 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

Agricultural wastes are increasingly being used as biomass materials for co-firing in coal fired power stations. However issues in milling and conveyance of agricultural residues are limiting the use of these resources and a greater understanding of... Read More about Optimisation of biomass milling for conveyance and combustion.

The impact of impurities in various crude A. annua extracts on the analysis of artemisinin by liquid chromatographic methods (2012)
Journal Article
Pilkington, J. L., Preston, C., & Gomes, R. L. (2012). The impact of impurities in various crude A. annua extracts on the analysis of artemisinin by liquid chromatographic methods. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 70, 136-142.

Analysis of Artemisia annua extracts by liquid chromatographic methods has traditionally been complicated by the presence of significant quantities of impurities. It has been observed that these impurities often remain as a solid residue after sample... Read More about The impact of impurities in various crude A. annua extracts on the analysis of artemisinin by liquid chromatographic methods.

Fault propagation modelling for fluid system health monitoring (2011)
Journal Article
Remenyte-Prescott, R., & Andrews, J. (2011). Fault propagation modelling for fluid system health monitoring. International Journal of Performability Engineering, 7(11),

Fault diagnostics systems are incorporated to determine the health of the system they monitor. There are however times when the diagnostics system reports faults which do not exist. This situation commonly arises at system start-up when high vibrat... Read More about Fault propagation modelling for fluid system health monitoring.

An efficient real-time method of analysis for non-coherent fault trees (2009)
Journal Article
Remenyte-Prescott, R., & Andrews, J. (2009). An efficient real-time method of analysis for non-coherent fault trees. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 25(2),

Fault tree analysis is commonly used to assess the reliability of potentially hazardous industrial systems. The type of logic is usually restricted to AND and OR gates which makes the fault tree structure coherent. In non-coherent structures not only... Read More about An efficient real-time method of analysis for non-coherent fault trees.