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Outputs (56)

Five Provocations for a More Creative TAS (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benford, S., Hazzard, A., Vear, C., Webb, H., Chamberlain, A., Greenhalgh, C., Ramchurn, R., & Marshall, J. (2023, July). Five Provocations for a More Creative TAS. Presented at First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS 23), Edinburgh, UK

Conventional wisdom has it that trustworthy autonomous systems (AS) should be explainable, dependable, controllable and safe tools for humans to use. Reflecting on a portfolio of artistic applications of TAS leads us adopt an alternative stance and t... Read More about Five Provocations for a More Creative TAS.

Three Passages of Ancient Prolegomena to Aratus (2023)
Journal Article
Thomas, O. (2023). Three Passages of Ancient Prolegomena to Aratus. Classical Quarterly, 73(1), 419-435.

An eighth-century Latin version of a Greek edition of Aratus preserves valuable ancient scholarship on the Phaenomena, including material not preserved in Greek. Examination of over thirteen thousand Latin–Greek correspondences enables one to interpr... Read More about Three Passages of Ancient Prolegomena to Aratus.

Tasks of a Different Color: How Crowdsourcing Practices Differ per Complex Task Type and Why This Matters (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wang, Y., Papangelis, K., Lykourentzou, I., Saker, M., Chamberlain, A., Khan, V.-J., Liang, H.-N., & Yue, Y. (2023, April). Tasks of a Different Color: How Crowdsourcing Practices Differ per Complex Task Type and Why This Matters. Presented at CHI '23 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hamburg, Germany

Crowdsourcing in China is a thriving industry. Among its most interesting structures, we find crowdfarms, in which crowdworkers self-organize as small organizations to tackle macrotasks. Little, however, is known as to which practices these crowdfarm... Read More about Tasks of a Different Color: How Crowdsourcing Practices Differ per Complex Task Type and Why This Matters.

Schools and Cultural Citizenship: Arts Education for Life (2023)
Thomson, P., & Hall, C. (2023). Schools and Cultural Citizenship: Arts Education for Life. Routledge.

‘Why study the arts at school?’ This book offers a fresh perspective on this question. Informed by rigorous research, the book argues that the arts help young people to develop key skills, knowledge and practices that support them to become both crit... Read More about Schools and Cultural Citizenship: Arts Education for Life.

World(s) apart – Borges Coelho’s Museu da Revolução and Writing in (and of) a Changing World (2022)
Journal Article
Gonçalves Miranda, R. (2022). World(s) apart – Borges Coelho’s Museu da Revolução and Writing in (and of) a Changing World. Gragoatá - Revista dos Programas de Pós-Graduação do Instituto de Letras da UFF, 27(59), Article e54292.

This article will depart from Said’s position on the worldliness of texts and Pheng Cheah’s reflections on postcolonial literature as world literature (2016) towards a reading of João Paulo Borges Coelho’s 2021 novel Museu da Revolução. Borges Coelho... Read More about World(s) apart – Borges Coelho’s Museu da Revolução and Writing in (and of) a Changing World.

An Gàrradh (2022)
Macleod, D. (2022). An Gàrradh. [Electronic composition]. Uist

An electroacoustic geo-locative soundwalk mapped to Linaclate on the island of Benbecula, Scotland. Commissioned by Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum and Arts Centre North Uist, with funds from Event Scotland.

Discourse Analysis of Print Media (2022)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O. (2022). Discourse Analysis of Print Media. In Research Methods in Language Attitudes (19-34). Cambridge University Press.

This chapter examines how discourse analysis as applied to print media can be used to examine language attitudes. It outlines the main strengths and limitations of this method. One of the most important strengths lies in the fact that the printed pre... Read More about Discourse Analysis of Print Media.

Sensitive Pictures: Emotional Interpretation in the Museum (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benford, S., Sundnes Løvlie, A., Ryding, K., Rajkowska, P., Bodiaj, E., Paris Darzentas, D., Cameron, H., Spence, J., Egede, J., & Spanjevic, B. (2022, April). Sensitive Pictures: Emotional Interpretation in the Museum. Presented at CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA

Museums are interested in designing emotional visitor experiences to complement traditional interpretations. HCI is interested in the relationship between Affective Computing and Affective Interaction. We describe Sensitive Pictures, an emotional vis... Read More about Sensitive Pictures: Emotional Interpretation in the Museum.

Staging listening: new methods for engaging audiences with sound in museums (2022)
Journal Article
Mansell, J., De Little, A., & Jamieson, A. (2022). Staging listening: new methods for engaging audiences with sound in museums. Science Museum Group Journal,

This article reports on the experimental methodology and key findings of the AHRC-funded impact and engagement project Sonic Futures: Collecting, Curating and Engaging with Sound at the National Science and Media Museum (2020–21). The project underto... Read More about Staging listening: new methods for engaging audiences with sound in museums.

(Re)imagining spatialities for equity in mathematics education (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Swanson, D. M., & le Roux, K. (2021, September). (Re)imagining spatialities for equity in mathematics education. Presented at Eleventh International Mathematics Education and Society Conference, Austria

Contemporary discourse about the ‘opening’/‘closing’ of schools and what is ‘inside’/‘outside’ the curriculum potentially exacerbates existing inequities in mathematics education. This paper explores how different spatial imaginaries might advance or... Read More about (Re)imagining spatialities for equity in mathematics education.

Storying selves and others at work Story ownership, tellership and functions of narratives in a workplace domain (2021)
Journal Article
Chałupnik, M. (2022). Storying selves and others at work Story ownership, tellership and functions of narratives in a workplace domain. Narrative Inquiry, 32(1), 66-85.

This paper engages with the relationship between story ownership - so who owns a story, tellership - so who has the right to tell it, and functions of workplace narratives as well as the broader social practices at work. Drawing upon discourse and na... Read More about Storying selves and others at work Story ownership, tellership and functions of narratives in a workplace domain.

‘You just feel more relaxed’: An Investigation of Art Room Atmosphere (2021)
Journal Article
Thomson, P., & Hall, C. (2021). ‘You just feel more relaxed’: An Investigation of Art Room Atmosphere. International Journal of Art and Design Education, 40(3), 599-614.

Art educators are increasingly interested in the affective dimensions of pedagogy. This paper contributes by exploring students' reports of feeling more relaxed and less stressed in the art room, data drawn from a three year study of thirty arts rich... Read More about ‘You just feel more relaxed’: An Investigation of Art Room Atmosphere.

The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France (2021)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O. (2021). The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France. In C. Marimon-Llorca, & S. Schwarze (Eds.), Authoritative Discourse in Language Columns: Linguistic, Ideological and Social Issues (67-94). Peter Lang.

This study examines a sample of language columns produced by six different authors in France during three key periods of the 20th century to determine how these authors construct the authority necessary to pronounce on language usage and impose parti... Read More about The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France.

Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux (2021)
Pano Alaman, A., Ruggiano, F., & Walsh, O. (Eds.). (2021). Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers.

Les opinions que les locuteurs ordinaires, et pas seulement les linguistes de profession, portent sur les langues (c’est-à-dire les idéologies linguistiques) influencent les langues elles-mêmes, les transforment au fil du temps, et contribuent à la c... Read More about Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux.

Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse (2021)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O., & Cotelli Kureth, S. (2021). Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse. In Les idéologies linguistiques: débats, purismes et stratégies discursives (469-492). Peter Lang International Academic Publishers

Cet article est le premier à proposer une étude contrastive de deux traditions de chroniques de langage en francophonie. Nous analysons les types métaphoriques et les différents usages des métaphores dans les chroniques françaises et suisses romandes... Read More about Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse.

Historical Acoustemology: Past, Present, and Future (2021)
Journal Article
Mansell, J. (2021). Historical Acoustemology: Past, Present, and Future. Music Research Annual, 2, 1-19

This article surveys the field and methodology of historical acoustemology, an interdisciplinary area of study dedicated to understanding past sounds, hearers, and listeners in their historical contexts. The article charts the field’s emergence in th... Read More about Historical Acoustemology: Past, Present, and Future.

Global Citizenship Education / Learning for Sustainability: tensions, 'flaws', and contradictions as critical moments of possibility and radical hope in educating for alternative futures. (2021)
Journal Article
Swanson, D. M., & Gamal, M. (2021). Global Citizenship Education / Learning for Sustainability: tensions, 'flaws', and contradictions as critical moments of possibility and radical hope in educating for alternative futures. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 19(4), 456-469.

'Global citizenship’ entered public parlance prominently during heightened globalisation. To be a citizen of this new globalised, interconnected world was to be a subject of capital. Like Janus, a subject of this neoliberal world order was to be both... Read More about Global Citizenship Education / Learning for Sustainability: tensions, 'flaws', and contradictions as critical moments of possibility and radical hope in educating for alternative futures..