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Outputs (4)

The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec (2020)
Journal Article
Walsh, O. (2021). The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 42(9), 869-881.

Quebec has a tradition of language columns, articles discussing questions related to the French language produced by a single author and published regularly in the periodical press. This study examines the content and discourse of a sample of these l... Read More about The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec.

Rural Life, Roman Ways? Examination of Late Iron Age to Late Romano-British Burial Practice and Mobility at Dog Hole Cave, Cumbria (2020)
Journal Article
O'Regan, H. J., Bland, K., Evans, J., Holmes, M., McLeod, K., Philpott, R., …Wilkinson, D. M. (2020). Rural Life, Roman Ways? Examination of Late Iron Age to Late Romano-British Burial Practice and Mobility at Dog Hole Cave, Cumbria. Britannia, 51, 83-116.

The scarcity of Romano-British human remains from north-west England has hindered understanding of burial practice in this region. Here, we report on the excavation of human and non-human animal remains and material culture from Dog Hole Cave, Haverb... Read More about Rural Life, Roman Ways? Examination of Late Iron Age to Late Romano-British Burial Practice and Mobility at Dog Hole Cave, Cumbria.

Noise (2020)
Book Chapter
Mansell, J. G. (2020). Noise. In Literature and sound (154-169). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Professional Communication: Consultancy, Advocacy, Activism (2020)
Mullany, L. (Ed.). (2020). Professional Communication: Consultancy, Advocacy, Activism. London: Palgrave Macmillan

This edited book presents contemporary empirical research investigating the use of language in professional settings, drawing on the contributions of a set of internationally-renowned authors. The book takes a critical approach to understanding profe... Read More about Professional Communication: Consultancy, Advocacy, Activism.