Migrants in the labor market: implications for TVET
Book Chapter
Alla-Mensah, J., Fakoush, H., McGrath, S., & Wedekind, V. (2019). Migrants in the labor market: implications for TVET. In S. McGrath, M. Mulder, J. Papier, & R. Suart (Eds.), Handbook of vocational education and training: developments in the changing world of work (159-175). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94532-3_114
Migration is increasingly being seen as a political challenge and, thus, a policy priority. Yet the integration of migrants into labor markets is a key element of the political contestations of migration. On the one hand, successful labor market inte... Read More about Migrants in the labor market: implications for TVET.