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XTRACT - Standardised protocols for automated tractography in the human and macaque brain (2020)
Journal Article
Warrington, S., Bryant, K. L., Khrapitchev, A. A., Sallet, J., Charquero-Ballester, M., Douaud, G., Jbabdi, S., Mars, R. B., & Sotiropoulos, S. N. (2020). XTRACT - Standardised protocols for automated tractography in the human and macaque brain. NeuroImage, 217, Article 116923.

We present a new software package with a library of standardised tractography protocols devised for the robust automated extraction of white matter tracts both in the human and the macaque brain. Using in vivo data from the Human Connectome Project (... Read More about XTRACT - Standardised protocols for automated tractography in the human and macaque brain.

Mechanisms and Risk Factors Contributing to Visual Field Deficits following Stereotactic Laser Amygdalohippocampotomy (2019)
Journal Article
Voets, N. L., Alvarez, I., Qiu, D., Leatherday, C., Willie, J. T., Sotiropoulos, S., Gleichgerrcht, E., Bonilha, L., Pedersen, N., Kadom, N., Saindane, A., Gross, R. E., & Drane, D. L. (2019). Mechanisms and Risk Factors Contributing to Visual Field Deficits following Stereotactic Laser Amygdalohippocampotomy. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 97(4), 255–265.

Selective laser amygdalohippocampotomy (SLAH) is a minimally invasive surgical treatment for medial temporal lobe epilepsy. Visual field deficits (VFDs) are a significant potential complication. The objective of this study was to determine the relati... Read More about Mechanisms and Risk Factors Contributing to Visual Field Deficits following Stereotactic Laser Amygdalohippocampotomy.

MRS and DTI evidence of progressive posterior cingulate cortex and corpus callosum injury in the hyper-acute phase after Traumatic Brain Injury (2019)
Journal Article
Lawrence, T. P., Steel, A., Ezra, M., Speirs, M., Pretorius, P. M., Douaud, G., Sotiropoulos, S., Cadoux-Hudson, T., Emir, U. E., & Voets, N. L. (2019). MRS and DTI evidence of progressive posterior cingulate cortex and corpus callosum injury in the hyper-acute phase after Traumatic Brain Injury. Brain Injury, 33(7), 854-868.

The posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and corpus callosum (CC) are susceptible to trauma, but injury often evades detection. PCC Metabolic disruption may predict CC white matter tract injury and the secondary cascade responsible for progression. While... Read More about MRS and DTI evidence of progressive posterior cingulate cortex and corpus callosum injury in the hyper-acute phase after Traumatic Brain Injury.

Hierarchical heterogeneity across human cortex shapes large-scale neural dynamics (2019)
Journal Article
Demirtas, M., Burt, J. B., Helmer, M., Ji, J. L., Adkinson, B. D., Glasser, M. F., Van Essen, D. C., Sotiropoulos, S. N., Anticevic, A., & Murray, J. D. (2019). Hierarchical heterogeneity across human cortex shapes large-scale neural dynamics. Neuron, 101(6), 1181-1194.e13.

The large-scale organization of dynamical neural activity across cortex emerges through long-range interactions among local circuits. We hypothesized that large-scale dynamics are also shaped by heterogeneity of intrinsic local properties across cort... Read More about Hierarchical heterogeneity across human cortex shapes large-scale neural dynamics.

Cognition based bTBI mechanistic criteria; a tool for preventive and therapeutic innovations (2018)
Journal Article
Garcia-Gonzalez, D., Race, N. S., Voets, N. L., Jenkins, D. R., Sotiropoulos, S. N., Acosta, G., Cruz-Haces, M., Tang, J., Shi, R., & Jérusalem, A. (in press). Cognition based bTBI mechanistic criteria; a tool for preventive and therapeutic innovations. Scientific Reports, 8, Article 10273.

Blast-induced traumatic brain injury has been associated with neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders. To date, although damage due to oxidative stress appears to be important, the specific mechanistic causes of such disorders remain elusive... Read More about Cognition based bTBI mechanistic criteria; a tool for preventive and therapeutic innovations.

A biophysical model of dynamic balancing of excitation and inhibition in fast oscillatory large-scale networks (2018)
Journal Article
Abeysuriya, R. G., Hadida, J., Sotiropoulos, S. N., Jbabdi, S., Becker, R., Hunt, B. A., Brookes, M. J., & Woolrich, M. W. (in press). A biophysical model of dynamic balancing of excitation and inhibition in fast oscillatory large-scale networks. PLoS Computational Biology, 14(2), Article e1006007.

Over long timescales, neuronal dynamics can be robust to quite large perturbations, such as changes in white matter connectivity and grey matter structure through processes including learning, aging, development and certain disease processes. One pos... Read More about A biophysical model of dynamic balancing of excitation and inhibition in fast oscillatory large-scale networks.