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Discrete trajectories of resolving and persistent pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis despite undergoing treatment for inflammation: results from three UK cohorts (2019)
Journal Article
McWilliams, D. F., Dawson, O., Young, A., Kiely, P., Ferguson, E., & Walsh, D. A. (2019). Discrete trajectories of resolving and persistent pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis despite undergoing treatment for inflammation: results from three UK cohorts. Journal of Pain, 20(6), 716-727.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an example of human chronic inflammatory pain. Modern treatments suppress inflammation, yet pain remains a major problem for many people with RA. We hypothesised that discrete RA subgroups might display favourable or unfa... Read More about Discrete trajectories of resolving and persistent pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis despite undergoing treatment for inflammation: results from three UK cohorts.

The effects of terlipressin and direct portacaval shunting on liver hemodynamics following 80% hepatectomy in the pig (2019)
Journal Article
Hammond, J. S., Godtliebsen, F., Steigen, S., Guha, I. N., Wyatt, J., Revhaug, A., …Mortensen, K. E. (2019). The effects of terlipressin and direct portacaval shunting on liver hemodynamics following 80% hepatectomy in the pig. Clinical Science, 133(1), 153-166.

Liver failure is the major cause of death following liver resection. Post-resection portal venous pressure (PVP) predicts liver failure, is implicated in its pathogenesis and when PVP is reduced, rates of liver dysfunction decrease. The aim of this s... Read More about The effects of terlipressin and direct portacaval shunting on liver hemodynamics following 80% hepatectomy in the pig.

Forcible acts by states towards non-state actors operating in disputed waters: beyond the limits of international law? (2019)
Journal Article
Pappa, M. (2019). Forcible acts by states towards non-state actors operating in disputed waters: beyond the limits of international law?. Legal Issues Journal, 7(1),

The obligation of States to not use force against other States is well established in international law both on land and at sea. Unless authorized by the United Nations Security Council or based on self-defence, non-compliance with this rule is a bre... Read More about Forcible acts by states towards non-state actors operating in disputed waters: beyond the limits of international law?.

Holistic engineering of Cal-A lipase chain-length selectivity identifies triglyceride binding hot-spot (2019)
Journal Article
Rousseau, O., Quaglia, D., Alejaldre, L., Ouadhi, S., & Pelletier, J. N. (2019). Holistic engineering of Cal-A lipase chain-length selectivity identifies triglyceride binding hot-spot. PLoS ONE, 14(1), Article e0210100.

Through the application of a region-focused saturation mutagenesis and randomization approach, protein engineering of the Cal-A enzyme was undertaken with the goal of conferring new triglyceride selectivity. Little is known about the mode of triglyce... Read More about Holistic engineering of Cal-A lipase chain-length selectivity identifies triglyceride binding hot-spot.

Clinical utility of existing and second-generation interferon-γ release assays for diagnostic evaluation of tuberculosis: an observational cohort study (2019)
Journal Article
Whitworth, H. S., Badhan, A., Boakye, A. A., Takwoingi, Y., Rees-Roberts, M., Partlett, C., …Menzies, S. (2019). Clinical utility of existing and second-generation interferon-γ release assays for diagnostic evaluation of tuberculosis: an observational cohort study. Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19(2), 193-202.

© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Background: The clinical utility of interferon-γ release assays (IGRAs) for diagnosis of active tuberculosis is unclear, although they are commonly used in countries with a low incidence of tuberculosis. We aimed to resolve this c... Read More about Clinical utility of existing and second-generation interferon-γ release assays for diagnostic evaluation of tuberculosis: an observational cohort study.

The interaction between viral and environmental risk factors in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (2019)
Journal Article
Tarlinton, R., Khaibullin, T., Granatov, E., Martynova, E., Rizvanov, A., & Khaiboullina, S. (2019). The interaction between viral and environmental risk factors in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(2), 1-16.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic debilitating inflammatory disease of unknown ethology targeting the central nervous system (CNS). MS has a polysymptomatic onset and is usually first diagnosed between the ages of 20–40 years. The pathology of the... Read More about The interaction between viral and environmental risk factors in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis.

Are you watching me?: the role of audience and object novelty on overimitation (2019)
Journal Article
Marsh, L. E., Ropar, D., & De C. Hamilton, A. F. (2019). Are you watching me?: the role of audience and object novelty on overimitation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 180, 123-130.

This study tests whether overimitation is subject to an audience effect, and whether it is modulated by object novelty. Eighty-six 4-to-11-year old children watched a demonstrator open novel and familiar boxes, using sequences of necessary and unnece... Read More about Are you watching me?: the role of audience and object novelty on overimitation.

Optimal distillation of quantum coherence with reduced waste of resources (2019)
Journal Article
Torun, G., Lami, L., Adesso, G., & Yildiz, A. (2019). Optimal distillation of quantum coherence with reduced waste of resources. Physical Review A, 99(1), Article 012321.

We present an optimal probabilistic protocol to distill quantum coherence. Inspired by a specific entanglement distillation protocol, our main result yields a strictly incoherent operation that produces one of a family of maximally coherent states of... Read More about Optimal distillation of quantum coherence with reduced waste of resources.

An efficient algorithm for computing exact system and survival signatures of K-terminal network reliability (2019)
Journal Article
Reed, S., Löfstrand, M., & Andrews, J. (2019). An efficient algorithm for computing exact system and survival signatures of K-terminal network reliability. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 185, 429-439.

An efficient algorithm is presented for computing exact system and survival signatures of K-terminal reliability in undirected networks with unreliable edges. K-terminal reliability is defined as the probability that a subset K of the network nodes c... Read More about An efficient algorithm for computing exact system and survival signatures of K-terminal network reliability.

The influence of non-ionic surfactants on electrosynthesis in extended channel, narrow gap electrolysis cells (2019)
Journal Article
Folgueiras-Amador, A. A., Jolley, K. E., Birkin, P. R., Brown, R. C., Pletcher, D., Pickering, S., …Rincón, J. A. (2019). The influence of non-ionic surfactants on electrosynthesis in extended channel, narrow gap electrolysis cells. Electrochemistry Communications, 100, 6-10.

It is demonstrated that the addition of a non-ionic surfactant (Triton X-100 or Brij L23) to the electrolyte medium leads to a significant improvement to the current efficiency for the methoxylation of N-formylpyrrolidine in a flow electrolysis cell... Read More about The influence of non-ionic surfactants on electrosynthesis in extended channel, narrow gap electrolysis cells.

Quasi-normal modes and fermionic vacuum decay around a Kerr black hole (2019)
Journal Article
Coutant, A., & Millington, P. (2019). Quasi-normal modes and fermionic vacuum decay around a Kerr black hole. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 36(3), Article 035005.

We analyze the instability of the non-rotating fermion vacuum in Kerr spacetimes. We describe how the co-rotating Fermi sea is formed as a result of a spontaneous vacuum decay. Most significantly, and drawing upon intuition gained from analogous elec... Read More about Quasi-normal modes and fermionic vacuum decay around a Kerr black hole.

Participatory research approaches to integrating scientific and farmer knowledge of soil to meet multiple objectives in the English East Midlands (2019)
Journal Article
Morris, C., Seymour, S., Jones, S., Stoate, C., & Crotty, F. (2019). Participatory research approaches to integrating scientific and farmer knowledge of soil to meet multiple objectives in the English East Midlands. Soil Use and Management, 35(1), 150-159.

Soil management influences food production, economic performance of farm businesses, and a range of public benefits such as water quality, flood control and aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity. The aim of this paper is to explore the role of part... Read More about Participatory research approaches to integrating scientific and farmer knowledge of soil to meet multiple objectives in the English East Midlands.

A Framework for Environmental Mitigation in Convention and Exhibition Centers in the China Greater Bay Area (2019)
Journal Article
Chan, W., Mak, B., Lee, D., & Zhang, C. (2019). A Framework for Environmental Mitigation in Convention and Exhibition Centers in the China Greater Bay Area. Journal of Convention and Event Tourism, 20(1), 44-63.

The numerous participants in convention and exhibition (C&E) events and the consequently huge consumption of direct and indirect resources have increased the environmental pressure on C&E centers to implement environmentally friendly practices and pr... Read More about A Framework for Environmental Mitigation in Convention and Exhibition Centers in the China Greater Bay Area.

Entropy and its Application to Urban Systems (2019)
Journal Article
Purvis, B., Mao, Y., & Robinson, D. (2019). Entropy and its Application to Urban Systems. Entropy, 21(1), Article 56.

Since its conception over 150 years ago, entropy has enlightened and confused scholars and students alike, from its origins in physics and beyond. More recently, it has been considered within the urban context in a rather eclectic range of applicatio... Read More about Entropy and its Application to Urban Systems.

Multinationals and the globalization of R&D (2019)
Journal Article
García-Vega, M., Hofmann, P., & Kneller, R. (2019). Multinationals and the globalization of R&D. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 63, 583-614.

In this paper we consider how the location, organization and output of knowledge production evolve within domestic firms following acquisition-FDI in order to understand the aggregate effect on an index of domestically produced innovations. We find s... Read More about Multinationals and the globalization of R&D.

Service innovation through resource integration: An empirical examination of co-created value using telehealth services (2019)
Journal Article
Go Jefferies, J., Bishop, S., & Hibbert, S. (2021). Service innovation through resource integration: An empirical examination of co-created value using telehealth services. Public Policy and Administration, 36(1), 69-88.

Scholars, policymakers and practitioners recognise the potential to improve public services through active citizen involvement and much research has examined the formal opportunities to 'co-produce' changes in the structures and cultures of public se... Read More about Service innovation through resource integration: An empirical examination of co-created value using telehealth services.

Prescription opioids: regional variation and socioeconomic status: evidence from primary care in England (2019)
Journal Article
Chen, T.-C., Chen, L.-C., Kerry, M., & Knaggs, R. D. (2019). Prescription opioids: regional variation and socioeconomic status: evidence from primary care in England. International Journal of Drug Policy, 64, 87-94.

Background: This study aimed to quantify dispensed opioid prescriptions among primary care practices throughout England and investigate its association with socioeconomic status (SES).
Methods: This cross-sectional study used publicly available data... Read More about Prescription opioids: regional variation and socioeconomic status: evidence from primary care in England.

The multiplicative loops of Jha-Johnson semifields (2019)
Journal Article
Pumpluen, S. (2019). The multiplicative loops of Jha-Johnson semifields. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 721, 227-242

The multiplicative loops of Jha-Johnson semifields are non-automorphic finite loops whose left and right nuclei are the multiplicative groups of a field extension of their centers. They yield examples of finite loops with non-trivial automorphism gro... Read More about The multiplicative loops of Jha-Johnson semifields.

Does bank stakeholder orientation enhance financial stability? (2019)
Journal Article
Leung, W. S., Song, W., & Chen, J. (2019). Does bank stakeholder orientation enhance financial stability?. Journal of Corporate Finance, 56, 38-63.

Using the staggered enactment of constituency statutes across US states, we find that banks with directors whose legal duties are expanded to consider stakeholder and long-term interests significantly reduce risk-taking by increasing capital and shif... Read More about Does bank stakeholder orientation enhance financial stability?.