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All Outputs (446)

Micronutrient Status and Dietary Diversity of Women of Reproductive Age in Rural Pakistan (2020)
Journal Article
Khan, M. J., Bailey, E. H., Broadley, M. R., Ullah, U., McArdle, H. J., Ohly, H., …Brazier, A. K. M. (2020). Micronutrient Status and Dietary Diversity of Women of Reproductive Age in Rural Pakistan. Nutrients, 12(11), Article 3407.

Consuming a diverse diet is essential to ensure an adequate intake of micronutrients. The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional status and dietary diversity of women of reproductive age (WRA) living in a marginalized community in rural Paki... Read More about Micronutrient Status and Dietary Diversity of Women of Reproductive Age in Rural Pakistan.

Impact of water availability on root growth of sugar beet varieties (2020)
Journal Article
Fitters, T. F., Mooney, S. J., & Sparkes, D. L. (2022). Impact of water availability on root growth of sugar beet varieties. Soil Use and Management, 38(1), 1033-1043.

© 2020 The Authors. Soil Use and Management published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Society of Soil Science On average, sugar beet yield in the UK is reduced by 10% due to water limitation. The root system of a plant is responsible... Read More about Impact of water availability on root growth of sugar beet varieties.

Adjustment of sex allocation to co-foundress number and kinship under local mate competition: An inclusive-fitness analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Gardner, A., & Hardy, I. C. (2020). Adjustment of sex allocation to co-foundress number and kinship under local mate competition: An inclusive-fitness analysis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 33(12), 1806-1812.

© 2020 The Authors. Journal of Evolutionary Biology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Society for Evolutionary Biology Hamilton's theory of local mate competition (LMC) describes how competition between male relatives for mat... Read More about Adjustment of sex allocation to co-foundress number and kinship under local mate competition: An inclusive-fitness analysis.

Short-term impacts of different tillage practices and plant residue retention on soil physical properties and greenhouse gas emissions (2020)
Journal Article
Alskaf, K., Mooney, S. J., Sparkes, D. L., Wilson, P., & Sjögersten, S. (2021). Short-term impacts of different tillage practices and plant residue retention on soil physical properties and greenhouse gas emissions. Soil and Tillage Research, 206, Article 104803.

© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Reducing tillage intensity and plant residue retention have the potential to mitigate climate change by reducing soil greenhouse gas emissions. Few comparative studies have explored the effects of different tillage practices and... Read More about Short-term impacts of different tillage practices and plant residue retention on soil physical properties and greenhouse gas emissions.

Author Correction: Improving the efficacy of selenium fertilizers for wheat biofortification (2020)
Journal Article
Ramkissoon, C., Degryse, F., da Silva, R. C., Baird, R., Young, S. D., Bailey, E. H., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2020). Author Correction: Improving the efficacy of selenium fertilizers for wheat biofortification. Scientific Reports, 10(1), Article 16963.

Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 20 December 2019

Hydrological (in)stability in Southern Siberia during the Younger Dryas and early Holocene (2020)
Journal Article
Harding, P., Bezrukova, E. V., Kostrova, S. S., Lacey, J. H., Leng, M. J., Meyer, H., …Mackay, A. W. (2020). Hydrological (in)stability in Southern Siberia during the Younger Dryas and early Holocene. Global and Planetary Change, 195, Article 103333.

© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Southern Siberia is currently undergoing rapid warming, inducing changes in vegetation, loss of permafrost, and impacts on the hydrodynamics of lakes and rivers. Lake sediments are key archives of environmental change and contain... Read More about Hydrological (in)stability in Southern Siberia during the Younger Dryas and early Holocene.

Increasing zinc concentration in maize grown under contrasting soil types in Malawi through agronomic biofortification: Trial protocol for a field experiment to detect small effect sizes (2020)
Journal Article
Botoman, L., Nalivata, P. C., Chimungu, J. G., Munthali, M. W., Bailey, E. H., Ander, E. L., …Broadley, M. R. (2020). Increasing zinc concentration in maize grown under contrasting soil types in Malawi through agronomic biofortification: Trial protocol for a field experiment to detect small effect sizes. Plant Direct, 4(10), Article e00277.

The prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies including zinc (Zn) is widespread in Malawi, especially among poor and marginalized rural populations. This is due to low concentrations of Zn in most staple cereal crops and limited consumption of animal... Read More about Increasing zinc concentration in maize grown under contrasting soil types in Malawi through agronomic biofortification: Trial protocol for a field experiment to detect small effect sizes.

Non-marine carbon-isotope stratigraphy of the Triassic-Jurassic transition in the Polish Basin and its relationships to organic carbon preservation, pCO2 and palaeotemperature (2020)
Journal Article
Pieńkowski, G., Hesselbo, S. P., Barbacka, M., & Leng, M. J. (2020). Non-marine carbon-isotope stratigraphy of the Triassic-Jurassic transition in the Polish Basin and its relationships to organic carbon preservation, pCO2 and palaeotemperature. Earth-Science Reviews, 210, Article 103383.

© 2020 The Authors New carbon-isotope data obtained from homogenous organic material (separated microfossil wood; δ13Cwood) from the upper Rhaetian and entire Lower Jurassic permit chemostratigraphic correlation of these marginal/non-marine deposits... Read More about Non-marine carbon-isotope stratigraphy of the Triassic-Jurassic transition in the Polish Basin and its relationships to organic carbon preservation, pCO2 and palaeotemperature.

Factors affecting the reproduction and mass-rearing of sclerodermus brevicornis (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), a natural enemy of exotic flat-faced longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) (2020)
Journal Article
Jucker, C., Hardy, I. C., Malabusini, S., de Milato, S., Zen, G., Savoldelli, S., & Lupi, D. (2020). Factors affecting the reproduction and mass-rearing of sclerodermus brevicornis (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), a natural enemy of exotic flat-faced longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae). Insects, 11(10), Article 657.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Many species of long-horned beetles are invasive pests causing significant economic damage in agro-forestry systems. They spend the majority of their life-cycle concealed inside natural wood o... Read More about Factors affecting the reproduction and mass-rearing of sclerodermus brevicornis (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), a natural enemy of exotic flat-faced longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).

Review: Allelochemicals as multi-kingdom plant defence compounds: towards an integrated approach (2020)
Journal Article
Hickman, D. T., Rasmussen, A., Ritz, K., Birkett, M. A., & Neve, P. (2021). Review: Allelochemicals as multi-kingdom plant defence compounds: towards an integrated approach. Pest Management Science, 77(3), 1121-1131.

© 2020 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry. The capability of synthetic pesticides to manage weeds, insect pests and pathogens in crops has diminished due to evolved resi... Read More about Review: Allelochemicals as multi-kingdom plant defence compounds: towards an integrated approach.

Enhanced Cellular Transduction of Nanoparticles Resistant to Rapidly Forming Plasma Protein Coronas (2020)
Journal Article
Blokpoel Ferreras, L. A., Scott, D., Vazquez Reina, S., Roach, P., Torres, T. E., Goya, G. F., …Dixon, J. E. (2020). Enhanced Cellular Transduction of Nanoparticles Resistant to Rapidly Forming Plasma Protein Coronas. Advanced Biosystems, 4(10), Article 2000162.

© 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH Nanoparticles (NPs) are increasingly being developed as biomedical platforms for drug/nucleic acid delivery and imaging. However, in biological fluids, NPs interact with a wide range of proteins that fo... Read More about Enhanced Cellular Transduction of Nanoparticles Resistant to Rapidly Forming Plasma Protein Coronas.

Using stable isotopes to estimate young water fractions in a heavily regulated, tropical lowland river basin (2020)
Journal Article
Trinh, A. D., Do, T. N., Panizzo, V. N., McGowan, S., & Leng, M. J. (2020). Using stable isotopes to estimate young water fractions in a heavily regulated, tropical lowland river basin. Hydrological Processes, 34(22), 4239-4250.

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd The young water fraction of streamflow (Fyw), an important hydrological variable, has been calculated for the first time, for a monsoon-fed coastal catchment in northern Vietnam. Oxygen stable isotopes (δ18O) from six r... Read More about Using stable isotopes to estimate young water fractions in a heavily regulated, tropical lowland river basin.

Carbonate crusts around volcanic islands: Composition, origin and their significance in slope stability (2020)
Journal Article
Tucker, M. E., Carey, S. N., Sparks, R. S. J., Stinton, A., Leng, M., Robinson, L., …Cotton, L. (2020). Carbonate crusts around volcanic islands: Composition, origin and their significance in slope stability. Marine Geology, 429, Article 106320.

© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Extensive carbonate crusts discovered forming on the slopes of seamounts in many parts of the world's oceans are providing extra stability to the volcanic edifices. These crusts are hardgrounds composed of mixtures of volcaniclas... Read More about Carbonate crusts around volcanic islands: Composition, origin and their significance in slope stability.

δ18O and δ13C of Cyprideis torosa from coastal lakes: Modern systematics and down-core interpretation (2020)
Journal Article
Roberts, L. R., Holmes, J. A., Sloane, H. J., Arrowsmith, C., Leng, M. J., & Horne, D. J. (2022). δ18O and δ13C of Cyprideis torosa from coastal lakes: Modern systematics and down-core interpretation. Marine Micropaleontology, 160, Article 101907.

© 2020 Stable isotope analyses of ostracod shells are a commonly-used proxy for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Although the fundamental controls on isotope composition of ostracod shells are well understood and, in some instances, quantifiable,... Read More about δ18O and δ13C of Cyprideis torosa from coastal lakes: Modern systematics and down-core interpretation.

Multi-proxy evidence for millennial-scale changes in North Pacific Holocene hydroclimate from the Kenai Peninsula lowlands, south-central Alaska (2020)
Journal Article
Broadman, E., Kaufman, D. S., Henderson, A. C., Berg, E. E., Anderson, R. S., Leng, M. J., …Muñoz, S. E. (2020). Multi-proxy evidence for millennial-scale changes in North Pacific Holocene hydroclimate from the Kenai Peninsula lowlands, south-central Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews, 241, Article 106420.

© 2020 Elsevier Ltd The Holocene hydroclimate of south-central Alaska has been studied extensively, but conflicting interpretations between oxygen isotope paleoclimate datasets are seemingly as common as converging reconstructions, in part due to the... Read More about Multi-proxy evidence for millennial-scale changes in North Pacific Holocene hydroclimate from the Kenai Peninsula lowlands, south-central Alaska.

Machine-learning techniques can enhance dairy cow estrus detection using location and acceleration data (2020)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Bell, M., Liu, X., & Liu, G. (2020). Machine-learning techniques can enhance dairy cow estrus detection using location and acceleration data. Animals, 10(7), Article 1160.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The aim of this study was to assess combining location, acceleration and machine learning technologies to detect estrus in dairy cows. Data were obtained from 12 cows, which were monitored con... Read More about Machine-learning techniques can enhance dairy cow estrus detection using location and acceleration data.

Soil as an extended composite phenotype of the microbial metagenome (2020)
Journal Article
Neal, A. L., Bacq-Labreuil, A., Zhang, X., Clark, I. M., Coleman, K., Mooney, S. J., …Crawford, J. W. (2020). Soil as an extended composite phenotype of the microbial metagenome. Scientific Reports, 10(1), Article 10649.

© 2020, The Author(s). We use a unique set of terrestrial experiments to demonstrate how soil management practises result in emergence of distinct associations between physical structure and biological functions. These associations have a significant... Read More about Soil as an extended composite phenotype of the microbial metagenome.

Refining trace metal temperature proxies in cold-water scleractinian and stylasterid corals (2020)
Journal Article
Stewart, J. A., Robinson, L. F., Day, R. D., Strawson, I., Burke, A., Rae, J. W., …Pryer, H. (2020). Refining trace metal temperature proxies in cold-water scleractinian and stylasterid corals. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 545, Article 116412.

© 2020 The Author(s) The Li/Mg, Sr/Ca and oxygen isotopic (δ18O) compositions of many marine biogenic carbonates are sensitive to seawater temperature. Corals, as cosmopolitan marine taxa with carbonate skeletons that can be precisely dated, represen... Read More about Refining trace metal temperature proxies in cold-water scleractinian and stylasterid corals.

Kinship effects in quasi-social parasitoids II: Co-foundress relatedness and host dangerousness interactively affect host exploitation (2020)
Journal Article
Abdi, M. K., Hardy, I. C., Jucker, C., & Lupi, D. (2020). Kinship effects in quasi-social parasitoids II: Co-foundress relatedness and host dangerousness interactively affect host exploitation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 130(4), 642-660.

© 2020 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2020, 130, 642-660 Sclerodermus brevicornis is a parasitoid that exhibits cooperative multi-foundress brood production. Prior work showed that the time lag to paralysis... Read More about Kinship effects in quasi-social parasitoids II: Co-foundress relatedness and host dangerousness interactively affect host exploitation.

Kinship effects in quasi-social parasitoids I: Co-foundress number and relatedness affect suppression of dangerous hosts (2020)
Journal Article
Abdi, M. K., Lupi, D., Jucker, C., & Hardy, I. C. (2020). Kinship effects in quasi-social parasitoids I: Co-foundress number and relatedness affect suppression of dangerous hosts. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 130(4), 627-641.

© 2020 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2020, 130, 627-641 Explanations for the highest levels of sociality typically invoke the concept of inclusive fitness. Sclerodermus, a genus of parasitoid hymenopterans,... Read More about Kinship effects in quasi-social parasitoids I: Co-foundress number and relatedness affect suppression of dangerous hosts.