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Evaluation of SiC Schottky diodes using pressure contacts

Ortiz Gonzalez, J.; Alatise, O.; Aliyu, Attahir Murtala; Rajaguru, Pushparajah; Castellazzi, Alberto; Ran, L.; Mawby, P.; Bailey, Christopher

Evaluation of SiC Schottky diodes using pressure contacts Thumbnail


J. Ortiz Gonzalez

O. Alatise

Attahir Murtala Aliyu

Pushparajah Rajaguru

Alberto Castellazzi

L. Ran

P. Mawby

Christopher Bailey


The thermomechanical reliability of SiC power devices and modules is increasingly becoming of interest especially for high power applications where power cycling performance is critical. Press-pack assemblies are a trusted and reliable packaging solution that has traditionally been used for high power thyristorbased applications in FACTS/HVDC, although press-pack IGBTs have become commercially available more recently. These press-pack IGBTs require anti-parallel PiN diodes for enabling reverse conduction capability. In these high power applications, paralleling chips for high current conduction capability is a requirement, hence, electrothermal stability during current sharing is critical. SiC Schottky diodes not only exhibit the advantages of wide bandgap technology compared to silicon PiN diodes, but they have significantly lower zero temperature coefficient (ZTC) meaning they are more electrothermally stable. The lower ZTC is due to the unipolar nature of SiC Schottky diodes as opposed to the bipolar nature of PiN diodes. This paper investigates the implementation and reliability of SiC Schottky diodes in press-pack assemblies. The impact of pressure loss on the electrothermal stability of parallel devices is investigated.


Ortiz Gonzalez, J., Alatise, O., Aliyu, A. M., Rajaguru, P., Castellazzi, A., Ran, L., Mawby, P., & Bailey, C. (2017). Evaluation of SiC Schottky diodes using pressure contacts. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(10), 8213-8223.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 2, 2017
Online Publication Date Mar 2, 2017
Publication Date Oct 1, 2017
Deposit Date Jul 21, 2017
Publicly Available Date Jul 21, 2017
Journal IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Print ISSN 0278-0046
Electronic ISSN 1557-9948
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 64
Issue 10
Pages 8213-8223
Keywords semiconductor device packaging, Schottky diodes, Silicon carbide, pressure packaging
Public URL
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Additional Information (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works
Contract Date Jul 21, 2017


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