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Base-case model for measurement uncertainty in a reverberation chamber including frequency stirring

Gifuni, Angelo; Bastianelli, Luca; Moglie, Franco; Mariani Primiani, Valter; Gradoni, Gabriele

Base-case model for measurement uncertainty in a reverberation chamber including frequency stirring Thumbnail


Angelo Gifuni

Luca Bastianelli

Franco Moglie

Valter Mariani Primiani

Gabriele Gradoni


We address the uncertainty of reverberation chamber (RC) measurements in presence of both mechanical and frequency stirring (FS). A base-case model is derived for reverberation fields affected by the measurement uncertainty due to the lack of a perfect statistical uniformity of fields in a RC. It is found that the measurement uncertainty associated with the FS depends on both the total uncorrelated samples and the local insertion loss (IL). The local IL depends on the frequency stirring bandwidth (FSB). The model allows us for obtaining separate measurement uncertainty contributions. Measurements support the achieved uncertainty model. In particular, results show that the dependence on the IL is normally rather weak also when very wide FSBs are used.


Gifuni, A., Bastianelli, L., Moglie, F., Mariani Primiani, V., & Gradoni, G. (in press). Base-case model for measurement uncertainty in a reverberation chamber including frequency stirring. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 6, 2017
Online Publication Date Nov 9, 2017
Deposit Date Nov 27, 2017
Publicly Available Date Nov 27, 2017
Journal IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Print ISSN 0018-9375
Electronic ISSN 1558-187X
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Frequency stirring (FS); Measurement uncertainty; Mechanical stirring (MS); Reverberation chamber (RC); Uncertainty quantification
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Contract Date Nov 27, 2017


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