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Petri net modelling of bridge asset management using maintenance-related state conditions

Le, Bryant; Andrews, John

Petri net modelling of bridge asset management using maintenance-related state conditions Thumbnail


Bryant Le


Bridge structures are an important part of the UK transportation network. They are also experiencing increasing rates of deterioration due to the increasing traffic volume and load intensity. Available bridge models have many restrictions due to the assumptions of the analytical method used and the means by which the model states are defined to represent the condition of the structure. These models also lack the complexity to allow detailed maintenance and renewal options to be explored. This paper presents a bridge model developed based on the Petri net (PN) approach. The method allows for detailed modelling of the individual components in the structure whilst maintaining the size of the analytical problem to a manageable size and resulting in an efficient analysis. The bridge model is formed from sub-models of each of the bridge components and takes into consideration the component deterioration process, the interaction and dependency between different component deterioration processes, along with the inspection and maintenance processes. The model states are defined based on actual degraded component conditions which they experience. It is therefore easy to relate these to the appropriate maintenance options. This gives a considerable advantage over those models based on the condition scores or ratings. The state residence times between changes in state resulting from deterioration and maintenance are governed by appropriate Weibull distributions. Thus, avoiding the restriction of constant failure rates used in Markov approaches which are rarely appropriate to model deteriorating asset conditions. The application of the model is demonstrated on a typical bridge structure where the PN model is solved using Monte Carlo simulation, the model results are also presented and discussed.


Le, B., & Andrews, J. (in press). Petri net modelling of bridge asset management using maintenance-related state conditions. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 12(6),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 18, 2015
Online Publication Date Jun 26, 2015
Deposit Date Sep 26, 2017
Publicly Available Date Sep 26, 2017
Journal Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
Print ISSN 1573-2479
Electronic ISSN 1744-8980
Publisher Routledge
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 12
Issue 6
Keywords bridge, asset management, deterioration, maintenance modelling, life-cycle cost, Petri net
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Structure and Infrastructure Engineering on 26/06/2015, available online:
Contract Date Sep 26, 2017


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