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Production and processing of graphene and related materials

Backes, Claudia; Abdelkader, Amr M.; Alonso, Concepci?n; Andrieux-Ledier, Amandine; Arenal, Raul; Azpeitia, Jon; Balakrishnan, Nilanthy; Banszerus, Luca; Barjon, Julien; Bartali, Ruben; Bellani, Sebastiano; Berger, Claire; Berger, Reinhard; Ortega, M M Bernal; Bernard, Carlo; Beton, Peter H.; Beyer, Andr?; Bianco, Alberto; B?ggild, Peter; Bonaccorso, Francesco; Barin, Gabriela Borin; Botas, Cristina; Bueno, Rebeca A; Carriazo, Daniel; Castellanos-Gomez, Andres; Christian, Meganne; Ciesielski, Artur; Ciuk, Tymoteusz; Cole, Matthew T.; Coleman, Jonathan; Coletti, Camilla; Crema, Luigi; Cun, Huanyao; Dasler, Daniela; De Fazio, Domenico; D?ez, Noel; Drieschner, Simon; Duesberg, Georg S.; Fasel, Roman; Feng, Xinliang; Fina, Alberto; Garrido, Jose Antonio; Gibertini, Marco; Garberoglio, Giovanni; Garc?a, Jorge M.; Forti, Stiven; Galiotis, Costas; G?lzh?user, Armin; Greber, Thomas; G?mez, Julio; Hauke, Frank; Hemmi, Adrian; Hernandez-Rodriguez, Irene; Hirsch, Andreas; Hodge, Stephen A.; Hutte...

Production and processing of graphene and related materials Thumbnail


Claudia Backes

Amr M. Abdelkader

Concepci�n Alonso

Amandine Andrieux-Ledier

Raul Arenal

Jon Azpeitia

Nilanthy Balakrishnan

Luca Banszerus

Julien Barjon

Ruben Bartali

Sebastiano Bellani

Claire Berger

Reinhard Berger

M M Bernal Ortega

Carlo Bernard

Professor of Physics

Andr� Beyer

Alberto Bianco

Peter B�ggild

Francesco Bonaccorso

Gabriela Borin Barin

Cristina Botas

Rebeca A Bueno

Daniel Carriazo

Andres Castellanos-Gomez

Meganne Christian

Artur Ciesielski

Tymoteusz Ciuk

Matthew T. Cole

Jonathan Coleman

Camilla Coletti

Luigi Crema

Huanyao Cun

Daniela Dasler

Domenico De Fazio

Noel D�ez

Simon Drieschner

Georg S. Duesberg

Roman Fasel

Xinliang Feng

Alberto Fina

Jose Antonio Garrido

Marco Gibertini

Giovanni Garberoglio

Jorge M. Garc�a

Stiven Forti

Costas Galiotis

Armin G�lzh�user

Thomas Greber

Julio G�mez

Frank Hauke

Adrian Hemmi

Irene Hernandez-Rodriguez

Andreas Hirsch

Stephen A. Hodge

Yves Huttel

Peter U. Jepsen

Ignacio Jimenez

Ute Kaiser

Tommi Kaplas

HoKwon Kim

Andras Kis

Konstantinos Papagelis

Kostas Kostarelos

Aleksandra Krajewska

Kangho Lee

Changfeng Li

Harri Lipsanen

Andrea Liscio

Martin R. Lohe

Annick Loiseau

Lucia Lombardi

Maria Francisca L�pez

Oliver Martin

Cristina Mart�n

Lidia Mart�nez

Jose Angel Martin-Gago

Jos� Ignacio Mart�nez

Nicola Marzari

�lvaro Mayoral

John McManus

Manuela Melucci

Javier M�ndez

Cesar Merino

Pablo Merino

Andreas P. Meyer

Elisa Miniussi

Vaidotas Miseikis

Neeraj Mishra

Vittorio Morandi

Carmen Munuera

Roberto Mu�oz

Hugo Nolan

Luca Ortolani

Anna K. Ott

Irene Palacio

Vincenzo Palermo

John Parthenios

Iwona Pasternak

Maurizio Prato

Henri Prevost

Vladimir Prudkovskiy

Nicola Pugno

Te�filo Rojo

Antonio Rossi

Pascal Ruffieux

Paolo Samor�

L�onard Schu�

Eki Setijadi

Thomas Seyller

Giorgio Speranza

Christoph Stampfer

Ingrid Stenger

Wlodek Strupinski

Yuri Svirko

Simone Taioli

Kenneth B.K. Teo

Matteo Testi

Flavia Tomarchio

Mauro Tortello

Emanuele Treossi

Andrey Turchanin

Ester Vazquez

Elvira Villaro

Patrick R Whelan

Zhenyuan Xia

Rositza Yakimova

Sheng Yang

G Reza Yazdi

Chanyoung Yim

Duhee Yoon

Xianghui Zhang

Xiaodong Zhuang

Luigi Colombo

Andrea C Ferrari

Mar Garcia-Hernandez


Backes, C., Abdelkader, A. M., Alonso, C., Andrieux-Ledier, A., Arenal, R., Azpeitia, J., …Garcia-Hernandez, M. (2020). Production and processing of graphene and related materials. 2D Materials, 7(2), Article 022001.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 30, 2019
Online Publication Date Jan 29, 2020
Publication Date Apr 1, 2020
Deposit Date Jan 31, 2020
Publicly Available Date Jan 31, 2020
Journal 2D Materials
Publisher IOP Publishing
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 7
Issue 2
Article Number 022001
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Journal title: 2D Materials; Article type: rev; Article title: Production and processing of graphene and related materials; Copyright information: © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd; License information: cc-by Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.; Date received: 2018-05-17; Date accepted: 2019-04-30; Online publication date: 2020-01-29


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