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Association analyses identify 38 susceptibility loci for inflammatory bowel disease and highlight shared genetic risk across populations

Liu, Jimmy Z; van Sommeren, Suzanne; Huang, Hailiang; Ng, Siew C; Alberts, Rudi; Takahashi, Atsushi; Ripke, Stephan; Lee, James C; Jostins, Luke; Shah, Tejas; Abedian, Shifteh; Hee Cheon, Jae; Cho, Judy; Daryani, Naser E; Franke, Lude; Hawkey, Chris; Fuyuno, Yuta; Lewis, Nina; Hart, Ailsa; Juyal, Ramesh C; Juyal, Garima; Ho Kim, Won; Morris, Andrew P; Poustchi, Hossein; Newman, William G; Midha, Vandana; Orchard, Timothy R; Vahedi, Homayon; Sood, Ajit; Sung, Joseph J Y; Malekzadeh, Reza; Westra, Harm-Jan; Yamazaki, Keiko; Yang, Suk-Kyun; Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium, International; IBD Genetics Consortium, International; Barrett, Jeffrey C; Franke, Andre; Alizadeh, Behrooz Z; Parkes, Miles; K, Thelma B; Daly, Mark J; Kubo, Michiaki; Anderson, Carl A; Weersma, Rinse K


Jimmy Z Liu

Suzanne van Sommeren

Hailiang Huang

Siew C Ng

Rudi Alberts

Atsushi Takahashi

Stephan Ripke

James C Lee

Luke Jostins

Tejas Shah

Shifteh Abedian

Jae Hee Cheon

Judy Cho

Naser E Daryani

Lude Franke

Chris Hawkey

Yuta Fuyuno

Nina Lewis

Ailsa Hart

Ramesh C Juyal

Garima Juyal

Won Ho Kim

Andrew P Morris

Hossein Poustchi

William G Newman

Vandana Midha

Timothy R Orchard

Homayon Vahedi

Ajit Sood

Joseph J Y Sung

Reza Malekzadeh

Harm-Jan Westra

Keiko Yamazaki

Suk-Kyun Yang

International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium

International IBD Genetics Consortium

Jeffrey C Barrett

Andre Franke

Behrooz Z Alizadeh

Miles Parkes

Thelma B K

Mark J Daly

Michiaki Kubo

Carl A Anderson

Rinse K Weersma


Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are the two main forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Here we report the first trans-ancestry association study of IBD, with genome-wide or Immunochip genotype data from an extended cohort of 86,640 European individuals and Immunochip data from 9,846 individuals of East Asian, Indian or Iranian descent. We implicate 38 loci in IBD risk for the first time. For the majority of the IBD risk loci, the direction and magnitude of effect are consistent in European and non-European cohorts. Nevertheless, we observe genetic heterogeneity between divergent populations at several established risk loci driven by differences in allele frequency (NOD2) or effect size (TNFSF15 andATG16L1) or a combination of these factors (IL23R andIRGM). Our results provide biological insights into the pathogenesis of IBD and demonstrate the usefulness of trans-ancestry association studies for mapping loci associated with complex diseases and understanding genetic architecture across diverse populations.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 24, 2015
Online Publication Date Jul 20, 2015
Publication Date Sep 1, 2015
Deposit Date Nov 24, 2016
Journal Nature Genetics
Print ISSN 1061-4036
Electronic ISSN 1546-1718
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 47
Issue 9
Pages 979–986
Public URL
Publisher URL
PMID 00036039
Additional Information Liu, J., van Sommeren, S., Huang, H. et al. Association analyses identify 38 susceptibility loci for inflammatory bowel disease and highlight shared genetic risk across populations. Nat Genet 47, 979–986 (2015).

Full list of authors is available from the publisher page for this article.

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