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Outputs (41)

Reflowable documents composed from pre-rendered atomic components (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pinkney, A. J., Bagley, S. R., & Brailsford, D. F. Reflowable documents composed from pre-rendered atomic components. Presented at ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng '11)

Mobile eBook readers are now commonplace in today’s society, but their document layout algorithms remain basic, largely due to constraints imposed by short battery life. At present, with any eBook file format not based on PDF, the layout of the docum... Read More about Reflowable documents composed from pre-rendered atomic components.

Quiet in class: classification, noise and the dendritic cell algorithm (2011)
Journal Article
Gu, F., Feyereisl, J., Oates, R., Reps, J., Greensmith, J., & Aickelin, U. (2011). Quiet in class: classification, noise and the dendritic cell algorithm. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6825,

Theoretical analyses of the Dendritic Cell Algorithm (DCA) have yielded several criticisms about its underlying structure and operation. As a result, several alterations and fixes have been suggested in the literature to correct for these findings. A... Read More about Quiet in class: classification, noise and the dendritic cell algorithm.

Evolutionary squeaky wheel optimization: a new framework for analysis (2011)
Journal Article
Li, J., Parkes, A. J., & Burke, E. K. (in press). Evolutionary squeaky wheel optimization: a new framework for analysis. Evolutionary Computation, 19(3),

Squeaky wheel optimization (SWO) is a relatively new metaheuristic that has been shown to be effective for many real-world problems. At each iteration SWO does a complete construction of a solution starting from the empty assignment. Although the con... Read More about Evolutionary squeaky wheel optimization: a new framework for analysis.

A "non-parametric" version of the naive Bayes classifier (2011)
Journal Article
Soria, D., Garibaldi, J. M., Ambrogi, F., Biganzoli, E. M., & Ellis, I. O. (2011). A "non-parametric" version of the naive Bayes classifier. Knowledge-Based Systems, 24(6),

Many algorithms have been proposed for the machine learning task of classication. One of the simplest methods, the naive Bayes classifyer, has often been found to give good performance despite the fact that its underlying assumptions (of independence... Read More about A "non-parametric" version of the naive Bayes classifier.

Validation of a microsimulation of the port of Dover (2011)
Journal Article
Roadknight, C., Aickelin, U., & Sherman, G. (in press). Validation of a microsimulation of the port of Dover. Journal of Computational Science, 3(1-2),

Modelling and simulating the traffic of heavily used but secure environments such as seaports and airports is of increasing importance. Errors made when simulating these environments can have long standing economic, social and environmental implicati... Read More about Validation of a microsimulation of the port of Dover.

Modelling electricity consumption in office buildings: an agent based approach (2011)
Journal Article
Zhang, T., Siebers, P.-O., & Aickelin, U. (2011). Modelling electricity consumption in office buildings: an agent based approach. Energy and Buildings, 43(10),

In this paper, we develop an agent-based model which integrates four important elements, i.e. organisational energy management policies/regulations, energy management technologies, electric appliances and equipment, and human behaviour, to simulate t... Read More about Modelling electricity consumption in office buildings: an agent based approach.

Personalizing the theme park: psychometric profiling and physiological monitoring (2011)
Book Chapter
Rennick-Egglestone, S., Whitbrook, A., Leygue, C., Greensmith, J., Walker, B., Benford, S., Schnädelbach, H., Reeves, S., Marshall, J., Kirk, D., Tennent, P., Irune, A., & Rowland, D. (2011). Personalizing the theme park: psychometric profiling and physiological monitoring. In J. A. Konstan, R. Conejo, J. L. Marzo, & N. Oliver (Eds.), User modeling, adaption, and personalization: 19th international conference, UMAP 2011, Girona, Spain, July 11-15, 2011: proceedings. Springer.

Theme parks are important and complex forms of entertainment, with a broad user-base, and with a substantial economic impact. In this paper, we present a case study of an existing theme park, and use this to motivate two research challenges in relati... Read More about Personalizing the theme park: psychometric profiling and physiological monitoring.

Hybrid heuristic for multi-carrier transportation plans (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Landa-Silva, D., Wang, Y., Donovan, P., & Kendall, G. Hybrid heuristic for multi-carrier transportation plans. Presented at 9th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2011)

This paper describes a hybrid heuristic approach to construct transportation plans for a singlecustomer multi-carrier scenario that arises at 3T Logistics Ltd, a UK company that provides outsourced transportation planning and management services. The... Read More about Hybrid heuristic for multi-carrier transportation plans.

Comparing System Dynamics and Agent-Based Simulation for tumour growth and its interactions with effector cells (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Figueredo, G. P., & Aickelin, U. Comparing System Dynamics and Agent-Based Simulation for tumour growth and its interactions with effector cells. Presented at Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2011)

There is little research concerning comparisons and combination of System Dynamics Simulation (SDS) and Agent Based Simulation (ABS). ABS is a paradigm used in many levels of abstraction, including those levels covered by SDS. We believe that the est... Read More about Comparing System Dynamics and Agent-Based Simulation for tumour growth and its interactions with effector cells.

Conveying intentions through haptics in human-computer collaboration (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kucukyilmaz, A., Sezgin, T. M., & Basdogan, C. (2011, June). Conveying intentions through haptics in human-computer collaboration. Presented at IEEE World Haptics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey

Haptics has been used as a natural way for humans to communicate with computers in collaborative virtual environments. Human-computer collaboration is typically achieved by sharing control of the task between a human and a computer operator. An impor... Read More about Conveying intentions through haptics in human-computer collaboration.