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Outputs (44)

Development and Reporting of Prediction Models: Guidance for Authors From Editors of Respiratory, Sleep, and Critical Care Journals (2020)
Journal Article
Leisman, D. E., Harhay, M. O., Lederer, D. J., Abramson, M., Adjei, A. A., Bakker, J., Ballas, Z. K., Barreiro, E., Bell, S. C., Bellomo, R., Bernstein, J. A., Branson, R. D., Brusasco, V., Chalmers, J. D., Chokroverty, S., Citerio, G., Collop, N. A., Cooke, C. R., Crapo, J. D., Donaldson, G., …Maslove, D. M. (2020). Development and Reporting of Prediction Models: Guidance for Authors From Editors of Respiratory, Sleep, and Critical Care Journals. Critical Care Medicine, 48(5), 623-633.

Prediction models aim to use available data to predict a health state or outcome that has not yet been observed. Prediction is primarily relevant to clinical practice, but is also used in research, and administration. While prediction modeling involv... Read More about Development and Reporting of Prediction Models: Guidance for Authors From Editors of Respiratory, Sleep, and Critical Care Journals.

Phenotypic and functional translation of IL33 genetics in asthma (2020)
Journal Article
Ketelaar, M. E., Portelli, M. A., Dijk, F. N., Shrine, N., Faiz, A., Vermeulen, C. J., Xu, C. J., Hankinson, J., Bhaker, S., Henry, A. P., Billington, C. K., Shaw, D. E., Johnson, S. R., Benest, A., Pang, V., Bates, D. O., Pogson, Z. E., Fogarty, A., McKeever, T. M., Singapuri, A., …Nawijn, M. C. (2021). Phenotypic and functional translation of IL33 genetics in asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 147(1), 144-157.

© 2020 Background: Asthma is a complex disease with multiple phenotypes that may differ in disease pathobiology and treatment response. IL33 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been reproducibly associated with asthma. IL33 levels are elevate... Read More about Phenotypic and functional translation of IL33 genetics in asthma.

Operando visualisation of battery chemistry in a sodium-ion battery by 23Na magnetic resonance imaging (2020)
Journal Article
Kendrick, E., Bray, J. M., Doswell, C. L., Pavlovskaya, G. E., Chen, L., Kishore, B., Au, H., Alptekin, H., Titirici, M. M., Meersmann, T., & Britton, M. M. (2020). Operando visualisation of battery chemistry in a sodium-ion battery by 23Na magnetic resonance imaging. Nature Communications, 11(1), Article 2083.

© 2020, The Author(s). Sodium-ion batteries are a promising battery technology for their cost and sustainability. This has led to increasing interest in the development of new sodium-ion batteries and new analytical methods to non-invasively, directl... Read More about Operando visualisation of battery chemistry in a sodium-ion battery by 23Na magnetic resonance imaging.

Hospital doctors’ attitudes to brief educational messages that aim to modify diagnostic test requests: a qualitative study (2020)
Journal Article
Young, B., Fogarty, A. W., Skelly, R., Shaw, D., Sturrock, N., Norwood, M., Thurley, P., Lewis, S., Langley, T., & Cranwell, J. (2020). Hospital doctors’ attitudes to brief educational messages that aim to modify diagnostic test requests: a qualitative study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 20(1), 80.

BACKGROUND: Avoidable use of diagnostic tests can both harm patients and increase the cost of healthcare. Nudge-type educational interventions have potential to modify clinician behaviour while respecting clinical autonomy and responsibility, but the... Read More about Hospital doctors’ attitudes to brief educational messages that aim to modify diagnostic test requests: a qualitative study.

CDK12 inhibition reduces abnormalities in cells from patients with myotonic dystrophy and in a mouse model (2020)
Journal Article
Ketley, A., Wojciechowska, M., Ghidelli-Disse, S., Bamborough, P., Ghosh, T. K., Morato, M. L., Sedehizadeh, S., Malik, N. A., Tang, Z., Powalowska, P., Tanner, M., Billeter-Clark, R., Trueman, R. C., Geiszler, P. C., Agostini, A., Othman, O., Bösche, M., Bantscheff, M., Rüdiger, M., Mossakowska, D. E., …Brook, J. D. (2020). CDK12 inhibition reduces abnormalities in cells from patients with myotonic dystrophy and in a mouse model. Science Translational Medicine, 12(541), Article eaaz2415.

Copyright © 2020 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is an RNA-based disease with no current treatment.... Read More about CDK12 inhibition reduces abnormalities in cells from patients with myotonic dystrophy and in a mouse model.

Phenotypic and functional translation of IL1RL1 locus polymorphisms in lung tissue and asthmatic airway epithelium (2020)
Journal Article
Portelli, M. A., Dijk, F. N., Ketelaar, M. E., Shrine, N., Hankinson, J., Bhaker, S., Grotenboer, N. S., Obeidat, M., Henry, A. P., Billington, C. K., Shaw, D., Johnson, S. R., Pogson, Z. E., Fogarty, A., McKeever, T. M., Nickle, D. C., Bossé, Y., van den Berge, M., Faiz, A., Brouwer, S., …Sayers, I. (2020). Phenotypic and functional translation of IL1RL1 locus polymorphisms in lung tissue and asthmatic airway epithelium. JCI insight, 5(8), Article 132446.

The IL1RL1 (ST2) gene locus is robustly associated with asthma; however, the contribution of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in this locus to specific asthma subtypes and the functional mechanisms underlying these associations remain to be def... Read More about Phenotypic and functional translation of IL1RL1 locus polymorphisms in lung tissue and asthmatic airway epithelium.

Respiratory and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Survivors of Extremely Preterm Birth at 19 Years (2020)
Journal Article
Hurst, J. R., Beckmann, J., Ni, Y., Bolton, C. E., McEniery, C. M., Cockcroft, J. R., & Marlow, N. (2020). Respiratory and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Survivors of Extremely Preterm Birth at 19 Years. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 202(3), 422-432.

Rationale: Growth and development during adolescence may modify the respiratory and vascular differences seen among extremely preterm (EP) individuals in childhood and early adolescence.

Objective: To assess the trajectory of respiratory and cardi... Read More about Respiratory and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Survivors of Extremely Preterm Birth at 19 Years.

The prognostic significance of immune microenvironment in breast ductal carcinoma in situ (2020)
Journal Article
Toss, M. S., Abidi, A., Lesche, D., Joseph, C., Mahale, S., Saunders, H., Kader, T., Miligy, I. M., Green, A. R., Gorringe, K. L., & Rakha, E. A. (2020). The prognostic significance of immune microenvironment in breast ductal carcinoma in situ. British Journal of Cancer, 122, 1496–1506.


The role of different subtypes of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in breast ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is still poorly defined. This study aimed to assess the prognostic significance of B and T lymphocytes and immune checkpo... Read More about The prognostic significance of immune microenvironment in breast ductal carcinoma in situ.