Faculties, Schools & Groups
0100 - American and Canadian Studies
0101 - American and Canadian Studies
0400 - Built Environment
0500 - Chemistry
0501 - Chemistry - Stores
0510 - Chemistry - Inorganic
0520 - Chemistry - Organic
0530 - Chemistry - Physical
0560 - Chemistry - CNL Carbon Neutral Lab
0600 - Civil Engineering
0700 - Molecular Medical Science
0701 - Clinical Chemistry
0702 - Clinical Oncology
0704 - Haematology
0705 - Immunology
0707 - Microbiology
0708 - Pathology
0711 - Molecular Microbiology
0712 - CETA
0800 - Community Health Sciences
0801 - Rehabilitation & Ageing
0802 - Division of Primary Care
0804 - Public Health Sciences
0805 - PRIMIS+
0806 - Trent Research & Development Support Unit
0808 - CLAHRC
0809 - Psychiatry - Divisional
0810 - Developmental Psychiatry
0811 - Learning Disabilities
0812 - Psychiatry
0813 - Psychiatry - Behavioural Sciences
0814 - Psychiatry - Comm Mental Health
0815 - Psychopharmacology
0816 - Old Age Psychiatry
0817 - CHS - Q Research
0818 - Clinical Trials Support Unit (CTSU)
0819 - Traditional Chinese Medicine
0900 - Computer Science
0910 - Computer Science
0920 - Informatics Institute of IT
0930 - IMA
0940 - Computer Vision Laboratory
0950 - ASAP
0951 - MRL
0960 - CIMI
0961 - CIMI
0970 - ADAC
0990 - HORIZON Digital Economy Hub
1100 - Economics
1200 - Education
1202 - Education - PDSO
1210 - Education - Undergraduate Programmes
1220 - Education - Post Grad - Taught
1230 - Education - Post Grad - Research
1240 - Education - Research
1250 - Education - SCITT
1260 - Education - PGCE
1270 - Education - PGCCE
1290 - Educstion - EBITT
1295 - Education - Teach First
1300 - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
1400 - English
1401 - English LiPP
1450 - CELE
1500 - Geography
1501 - Geography - Environment Management Program
1502 - Centre for the Environment
1503 - Centre for Environmental Geochemistry Research
1601 - Department of History of Art
1602 - History
1700 - Clinical Sciences - Human Development
1701 - Clinical Sciences - NURTURE
1702 - Clinical Sciences - NURTURE - M Med Sci
1703 - Clinical Sciences - Obs & Gynae - Derby
1704 - Clinical Sciences - Obs & Gynae - City
1705 - Clinical Sciences - Child Health at Derby
1706 - Clinical Sciences - Paeds Oncology
1707 - Clinical Sciences - Paeds Oncology - Lab Fndg
1708 - Clinical Sciences - HD Centre for Regenerative Medicine
1800 - Humanities
1801 - Archaeology
1802 - Classics
1803 - Music
1804 - Philosophy
1805 - Theology
1806 - University Museum
1807 - Foundation Arts
1808 - Classics & Archaeology
1900 - Law
1901 - Human Rights Law Centre
2000 - Mechanical, Materials, & Manufacturing Engineering
2100 - Business School
2102 - Business School - MBA
2103 - Institute of WH&O
2104 - Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2105 - Institute of Tourism and Travel
2106 - School of Contemporary Chinese Studies
2107 - Centre for Corporate Scoial Responsiblity
2108 - Operations Management Group
2109 - Business School - Executive Education
2110 - Doctorate in Clincial Psychology
2111 - Nottingham Confucius Institute
2112 - Business School - N.Lab
2200 - Mathematical Sciences
2210 - Theoretical Mechanics
2220 - Statistics
2230 - Pure Mathematics
2240 - Mathematics Physics
2300 - Clinical Sciences
2301 - CBS in Clinical Sciences
2310 - Clinical Sciences - Acad Radiology
2311 - Clinical Sciences - Cardio Medicine
2312 - Clinical Sciences - Therapeutics & Mol Med
2313 - Clinical Sciences - Clinical Neurology
2314 - Clinical Sciences - WDDC
2315 - Clinical Sciences - Dermatology
2320 - Clinical Sciences - GI Surgery
2321 - Clinical Sciences - Breast Surgery
2322 - Clinical Sciences - Ophthalmology
2323 - Clinical Sciences - Otorhinolaryngology
2324 - Clinical Sciences - Cancer Studies Unit
2325 - Clinical Sciences - Vascular Surgery
2330 - Clinical Sciences - Respiratory Medicine
2331 - Clinical Sciences - Stroke Medicine
2332 - Clinical Sciences - Vascular Medicine
2333 - Clinical Sciences - Academic Rheumatology
2340 - Clinical Sciences - Anaesthesia & Int Care
2341 - Clinical Sciences - Ortho & Accid't Surgery
2400 - CLAS Central
2401 - French
2402 - German
2403 - Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies
2404 - Slavonic Studies
2405 - Language Centre
2406 - Modern Languages and Cultures
2408 - Cultural, Media and Visual Studies
2500 - Health Sciences - Nursing Studies
2520 - Health Sciences - Derby
2524 - Health Sciences - Nottingham
2525 - Health Sciecnes - Nottingham - Postreg
2526 - Health Sciences - Physiotherapy
2550 - Health Sciences - Midwifery
2570 - Health Sciences - HQ
2600 - Pharmacy
2601 - CBS in Pharmacy
2610 - Pharmacy - Teaching
2620 - Pharmacy - Research
2630 - Pharmacy - Stores
2640 - Pharmacy - Cancer Research
2650 - IPSET
2700 - Physics and Astronomy
2701 - Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre
2800 - Politics
2850 - Social Sciences Methods & Data
2900 - Psychology
2901 - Educational Psychology
2910 - Psychology - Brain & Body
3000 - Chemical and Environmental Engineering
3100 - Sociology and Social Policy
3102 - Social Work
3103 - Nottingham Policy Centre
3150 - Ann Craft Trust
3200 - Faculty of MHS
3200 - Faculty of MHS
3202 - MHS - Biomedical Services Unit
3203 - MHS - Stores
3204 - Medical Education Unit
3204 - Medical Education Unit
3206 - PGDO Non-recurring Deanery
3207 - PGDO - Recurrent WDC Funding
3209 - Faculty of MHS - PGME Central
3210 - Clincial Skills Centre
3210 - Clinical Skills Centre
3212 - PGDO - Non-recurrent WDC Funding
3213 - PGDO - Contract - Primary Care Section
3213 - PGDO - Contract - Primary Care Section
3214 - MEU - Contract - Primary Care Section
3214 - MEU Contract - Primary Care Section
3215 - Centre for Biomedical Sciences
3215 - Centre for Biomedicular Sciences
3217 - Interprofessional Learning Unit
3217 - Interprofessional Learning Unit
3218 - Clincial Research Facility
3218 - Clinical Research Facility
3219 - Faculty Research Strategy Group
3220 - Clinical Trials Unit
3220 - Clinical Trials Unit
3221 - Deep Sequencing Facility
3221 - Deep Sequencing Facility
3222 - Translational Imaging
3222 - Translational Imaging Operating Costs
3223 - Drug Discovery
3223 - Drug Discovery
3224 - SPOT
3224 - SPOT
3225 - Flow Cytometry
3225 - Flow Cytometry
3310 - Institute of Cell Signalling
3400 - Graduate Entry Medicine & Health
3401 - Breast Surgery Divison
3500 - Biosciences
3501 - Biosciences - Support Services
3510 - Animal Sciences
3520 - Food Sciences
3530 - Nutritional Sciences
3540 - Plant and Crop Sciences
3541 - Cereal Genomics
3550 - Agricultural & Environmental Sciences
3560 - MAFF - Agricultural Economics
3570 - NASC (Arabidopsis)
3580 - BRU - Central
3581 - Glasshouse Facilities
3582 - CPIB
3593 - Farm
3594 - National Centre for Dairy Research
3600 - School of Life Sciences - Centre
3601 - Life Sciences - Medical Stores
3602 - Synthetic Biology Research Centre
3800 - Vet Science
4000 - Faculty of Arts
4010 - Centre of Advanced Studies (CAS)
4100 - Law and Social Sciences
4101 - Institute for Science and Society
4105 - Methods and Data Institute
4210 - Culture, Film and Media
4318 - Programmes, PGR and Timetabling
4500 - Faculty of Engineering
4510 - Engineering Faculty Workshops
4600 - Faculty of Science (Central)
4601 - Nano Centre
4700 - Learning Science Research Institute
4800 - School of Medicine - Centre
4801 - Child Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
4802 - Clinical Neuroscience
4803 - Epidemiology and Public Health
4804 - Cancer and Stem Cell
4805 - Primary Care
4806 - Psychiatry and Applied Psychology
4807 - Rehabilitation and Ageing
4808 - Respiratory Medicine
4809 - Rheumatology, Orthopaedics and Dermatology
4810 - Medical Science and Graduate Entry Medicine
4811 - Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre
4812 - PRIMIS
4813 - Research Design Service for East Midlands
4814 - CLAHRC
4815 - Q Research
4816 - Clinical Trials Unit
4817 - Institute of Hearing Research
4818 - Medical Education Unit
4819 - Clinical Skills and Inter-professional Learning
4820 - Centre of Excellence in Therapeutics Antibodies
4821 - Clinical Research Facility
4822 - Radiological and Imaging Sciences
4823 - EMAHSN
4826 - Mental Health and Clinical Neurosciences
4827 - Translational Medical Sciences
4828 - Injury, Inflammation, Ageing and Recovery Sciences
4829 - Lifespan and Population Health
4830 - Health Informatics
4981 - Future Foods Research Beacon
4982 - Rights Lab Research Beacon
5000 - IS - Central
5020 - IS - Library Central
5702 - Libraries - Centre for Research Comms
5703 - Libraries - Content & Discovery
5704 – Libraries - Research & Learning Services
5705 - Libraries - Manuscripts & Special Collections
5706 - Libraries - Learning Technology
5707 - Libraries - Centre Int'national ePortfolio Dev
5708 - Libraries - Strategy & Planning
5K10 - IS - Digital Research Team - Pay
6000 - CFO Central
6200 - REGS
6201 - REGS (Research Stratey Unit)
6202 - REGS (Research Governance)
6212 - BEIS (Commercialisation)
6213 - REGS (Research Contracts)
6214 - BEIS
6216 - REGS (Research Development)
6217 - REGS (Research Operations)
6218 - BEIS (Partnerships Team)
6219 - BEIS (Knowledge Transfer)
6221 - BEIS (Asia Business Centre)
6222 - REGS (Rearch Outcomes)
6271 - R&I - Engagement and Partnerships
6273 - R&I - IP Commercialisation
6274 - R&I - Operations
6600 - Commercial Services
6900 - Financial Managment
6901 - Finacial Management (Tansformation)
6902 - Financial Managment (Corporate Services)
6903 - Financial Management (Commercial Finances MHS)
6904 - Fiancial Management (Commercial Finances A, SS, S, E)
6905 - Financial Management (Commerial Finances)
8010 - ER - Communications & Advocacy
8050 - Strategy, Planning & Performance
8500 - Vice-Chancellor's Office
8519 - PVC Support