Sharing conceptual gifts by bringing into dialogue sociopolitical mathematics education, decolonial thought, and critical global citizenship education.
Book Chapter
Swanson, D., & le Roux, K. (2025). Sharing conceptual gifts by bringing into dialogue sociopolitical mathematics education, decolonial thought, and critical global citizenship education. In A. Chronaki, & A. Yolcu (Eds.), Troubling Notions of Global Citizenship and Diversity in Mathematics Education (328). Routledge
Outputs (104)
Navigating ‘the bumpy road’ from research to practice: Improving the impact of research on spatial reasoning practice with young children (2025)
Journal Article
Gripton, C., Bates, K. E., Gifford, S., Gilligan-Lee, K., Williams, H. J., Borthwick, A., Williams, A. Y., Lancaster, A., & Farran, E. K. (in press). Navigating ‘the bumpy road’ from research to practice: Improving the impact of research on spatial reasoning practice with young children. Early Years, that knowledge generated through research has impact in early childhood education practice is a familiar and complex challenge. This article reports on an attempt to bridge the research-practice divide in one area of mathematics, early spati... Read More about Navigating ‘the bumpy road’ from research to practice: Improving the impact of research on spatial reasoning practice with young children.
A constant dance: a study of values-based leadership in Multi-Academy Trusts (2025)
Greany, T., & Bernardes, E. (2025). A constant dance: a study of values-based leadership in Multi-Academy Trusts. Whole EducationThis research explores how leaders in five Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) are working to develop their organisations in ways which enhance their ability to deliver a ‘whole education’ for both staff and students. The five case study trusts - Anglian, Li... Read More about A constant dance: a study of values-based leadership in Multi-Academy Trusts.
Forging Local Coherence: LocalEd project evaluation report (2025)
Greany, T., & Cousin, S. (in press). Forging Local Coherence: LocalEd project evaluation report. Association of Education CommitteesThe LocalED project (2022 - 2024) was designed to test new locality models for the English school system led by local authorities, combined authorities and school led partnerships. Each of the nine localities involved focussed on one of three ‘pilot’... Read More about Forging Local Coherence: LocalEd project evaluation report.
Engaging low-income families in education research: examining the challenges in Beijing and London (2024)
Journal Article
Hoskins, K., Wainwright, E., Arabaci, R., Zhai, J., Gao, J., & Xu, Y. (2024). Engaging low-income families in education research: examining the challenges in Beijing and London. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, comparative paper considers the similar challenges encountered in Beijing (China) and Greater London (England) when engaging low-income families in education research. Through semi-structured interviews with 10 parents/caregivers in Beijing and... Read More about Engaging low-income families in education research: examining the challenges in Beijing and London.
Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly? (2024)
Ochang, P., Eke, D., Stahl, B., Buckley, . M., Poder, I., & Hughes, J. (2024). Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly?. ESPRC and RAI UKGenerative AI is changing the way our economies and businesses operate, and SMEs could be receiving more benefits from this transition. Over the past 12 months in the Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) project we have been wo... Read More about Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly?.
Doctoral memes as public pedagogy? Or, heaven knows I’m miserable now (2024)
Journal Article
Thomson, P. (2024). Doctoral memes as public pedagogy? Or, heaven knows I’m miserable now. Studies in Continuing Education, media afford the proliferation of doctoral memes across numerous, generally anonymous, accounts spread over multiple platforms-the timeline where the PhD candidate starts off gleaming with health and beaming in delight and ends up an overweigh... Read More about Doctoral memes as public pedagogy? Or, heaven knows I’m miserable now.
Researching the everyday educational lives of low-income families: the importance of researcher and participant contexts (2024)
Journal Article
Wainwright, E., Hoskins, K., Arabaci, R., Zhai, J., Gao, J., & Xu, Y. (2024). Researching the everyday educational lives of low-income families: the importance of researcher and participant contexts. British Journal of Educational Studies, paper highlights the importance of considering both researcher and participant contexts when exploring everyday educational lives. It emerges during a period of increasing and sustained social inequality in England, and against a backdrop of inc... Read More about Researching the everyday educational lives of low-income families: the importance of researcher and participant contexts.
Why bother with arts education in schools? (2024)
Journal Article
Thomson, P. (2024). Why bother with arts education in schools?. Australian Educational Researcher, in school arts subjects are falling in both England and Australia. There are various arguments made in an attempt to reverse the situation. The arts are said to be vital for the economy, linked to success in core school subjects, are educa... Read More about Why bother with arts education in schools?.
Co-producing composite storytelling comics: (counter) narratives by academics of working-class heritage (2024)
Journal Article
Davis, C., Matthews, A., Mihut, G., Mottershaw, S., Hawkins, J., Rivlin, P., & Matthews, B. (2024). Co-producing composite storytelling comics: (counter) narratives by academics of working-class heritage. Qualitative Research, storytelling as a social qualitative research method represents a growing spirit of creativity to explore themes of social injustice. This article discusses the potential methodological affordances and challenges of such approaches when use... Read More about Co-producing composite storytelling comics: (counter) narratives by academics of working-class heritage.
“Imaginative, embodied scholarly assemblages”: A poetic analysis of the Self-Reflexive Methodologies Special Interest Group scholarship (2024)
Journal Article
Pithouse-Morgan, K., Pillay, D., Naicker, I., & van Laren, L. (2024). “Imaginative, embodied scholarly assemblages”: A poetic analysis of the Self-Reflexive Methodologies Special Interest Group scholarship. Journal of education (University KwaZulu-natal), 2024(94), 65-83. Self-Reflexive Methodologies Special Interest Group (SIG) of the South African Education Research Association (SAERA) has been active since 2014, with over 100 academics from more than 20 higher education institutions participating. The 10th Anni... Read More about “Imaginative, embodied scholarly assemblages”: A poetic analysis of the Self-Reflexive Methodologies Special Interest Group scholarship.
Poetic inquiry for the social and human sciences: Voices from the South and North (2024)
van Rooyen, H., & Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2024). Poetic inquiry for the social and human sciences: Voices from the South and North. HSRC PressPoetic Inquiry for the Human and Social Sciences: Voices from the South and North enriches human and social science research by introducing new voices, insights, and epistemologies. Poetic inquiry, or poetry as research, is a literary and performance... Read More about Poetic inquiry for the social and human sciences: Voices from the South and North.
Self-Study as a Movement and Methodology for Inside-Out Educational Change: Foundations, Characteristics, and Exemplars (2024)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., Kortjass, M., & Mkhize-Mthembu, N. Self-Study as a Movement and Methodology for Inside-Out Educational Change: Foundations, Characteristics, and Exemplars. In D. Wyse, V. Baumfield, N. Mockler, & M. Reardon (Eds.), The BERA-SAGE International Handbook of Research-Informed Education Policy and Practice (1-19). SAGE PublicationsThis chapter traces the evolution of the self-study research field since the 1990s, highlighting it as a growing force for change among education practitioners and scholars. It examines the historical backdrop of the field and identifies a set of eig... Read More about Self-Study as a Movement and Methodology for Inside-Out Educational Change: Foundations, Characteristics, and Exemplars.
Exploring the value of family shared reading with young people who have Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD) (2024)
Journal Article
Doak, L. (2024). Exploring the value of family shared reading with young people who have Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD). Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, reading with young children is promoted as good practice in national and international policy. Existing literature explores cognitive and developmental benefits of family shared reading for young, typically developing children, but much less i... Read More about Exploring the value of family shared reading with young people who have Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD).
Enabling transformative university transitions: becoming a student and a graduate (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hordosy, R. (2023, December). Enabling transformative university transitions: becoming a student and a graduate. Paper presented at Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UKDrawing on a longitudinal research project that followed the undergraduate entrants of 2013 into, and through their university time, this paper provides a novel conceptualisation of transformative transitions via looking at the four dimensions of non... Read More about Enabling transformative university transitions: becoming a student and a graduate.
Sir George Trevelyan, Residential Adult Education and the New Age – ‘To Open the Immortal Eye' (2023)
Clancy, S. (2023). Sir George Trevelyan, Residential Adult Education and the New Age – ‘To Open the Immortal Eye'. (1). Palgrave Macmillan. book examines the development of British post-Second World War short-term residential adult education, through the lens of the Shropshire Adult Education College (1948-1976) and the tenure of Sir George Trevelyan as its first warden. Trevelyan i... Read More about Sir George Trevelyan, Residential Adult Education and the New Age – ‘To Open the Immortal Eye'.
Who studies religion? Towards a better conversation between Theology, Religious Studies, and Religious Education (2023)
Journal Article
Benoit, C., & Hutchings, T. (2023). Who studies religion? Towards a better conversation between Theology, Religious Studies, and Religious Education. Journal of Religious Education, paper calls for better integration between the fields of Theology and Religious Studies (TRS) and Religious Education (RE). Positive reform in RE requires integration between educational theory, policy, and practice, but we argue that the academ... Read More about Who studies religion? Towards a better conversation between Theology, Religious Studies, and Religious Education.
Rethinking qualitative data analysis in a co-creative experimental approach (2023)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., & Samaras, A. P. (2023). Rethinking qualitative data analysis in a co-creative experimental approach. In J. DeHart, & P. Hash (Eds.), Arts-Based Research Across Textual Media in Education (12-27). Routledge. are self-study research methodologists and teacher educators working across continents to enhance and broaden professional learning, knowledge, and practice. By witnessing and researching the value of multiple voices and stories interacting for pr... Read More about Rethinking qualitative data analysis in a co-creative experimental approach.
Shitposting as public pedagogy (2023)
Journal Article
Woods, P. J. (2023). Shitposting as public pedagogy. Curriculum Inquiry, 53(4), 359-380. response to the growing ubiquity of social media, critical media literacy scholars have increasingly called for the examination of online practices and their embedded pedagogies and curricula. In response, I use this paper to reimagine shitposting... Read More about Shitposting as public pedagogy.
The manifestations of universality and cultural specificity in national curriculum policy frameworks: negotiations for culturally reflective practice in early childhood education (2023)
Journal Article
Xu, Y., Brooks, C., Gao, J., & Kitto, E. (2023). The manifestations of universality and cultural specificity in national curriculum policy frameworks: negotiations for culturally reflective practice in early childhood education. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 1-20. paper presents findings from a review of 19 national curriculum policy frameworks (NCPFs) across the globe and discusses dominant and culturally specific discourses that shape early childhood education (ECE). We combine two frameworks of develop... Read More about The manifestations of universality and cultural specificity in national curriculum policy frameworks: negotiations for culturally reflective practice in early childhood education.