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Professor STEVE BENFORD's Outputs (3)

Expected, sensed, and desired: A framework for designing sensing-based interaction (2005)
Journal Article
Benford, S., Schnädelbach, H., Koleva, B., Anastasi, R., Greenhalgh, C., Rodden, T., Green, J., Ghali, A., Pridmore, T., Gaver, B., Boucher, A., Walker, B., Pennington, S., Schmidt, A., Gellersen, H., & Steed, A. (2005). Expected, sensed, and desired: A framework for designing sensing-based interaction. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 12(1), 3-30.

Movements of interfaces can be analyzed in terms of whether they are expected, sensed, and desired. Expected movements are those that users naturally perform; sensed are those that can be measured by a computer; and desired movements are those that a... Read More about Expected, sensed, and desired: A framework for designing sensing-based interaction.

The multimedia challenges raised by pervasive games (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Capra, M., Radenkovic, M., Benford, S., Oppermann, L., Drozd, A., & Flintham, M. The multimedia challenges raised by pervasive games. Presented at 13th Annual ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MULTIMEDIA '05)

Pervasive gaming is a new form of multimedia entertainment that extends the traditional computer gaming experience out into the real world. Through a combination of personal devices, positioning systems and other multimedia sensors, combined with wir... Read More about The multimedia challenges raised by pervasive games.

Designing the spectator experience (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Reeves, S., Benford, S., O'Malley, C., & Fraser, M. Designing the spectator experience. Presented at SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)

Interaction is increasingly a public affair, taking place in our theatres, galleries, museums, exhibitions and on the city streets. This raises a new design challenge for HCI, questioning how a performer s interaction with a computer experienced is b... Read More about Designing the spectator experience.