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Professor JONATHAN HARDMAN's Outputs (2)

High PEEP in acute respiratory distress syndrome: quantitative evaluation between improved arterial oxygenation and decreased oxygen delivery (2016)
Journal Article
Chikhani, M., Das, A., Haque, M., Wang, W., Bates, D., & Hardman, J. (2016). High PEEP in acute respiratory distress syndrome: quantitative evaluation between improved arterial oxygenation and decreased oxygen delivery. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 117(5), 650-658.

Background: Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is widely used to improve oxygenation and prevent alveolar collapse in mechanically ventilated patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). While PEEP predictably improves arterial... Read More about High PEEP in acute respiratory distress syndrome: quantitative evaluation between improved arterial oxygenation and decreased oxygen delivery.

Characterization and use of a fiber optic sensor based on PAH/SiO2 film for humidity sensing in ventilator care equipment (2016)
Journal Article
Hernandez, F. U., Morgan, S. P., Hayes-Gill, B. R., Harvey, D., Kinnear, W., Norris, A., Evans, D., Hardman, J., & Korposh, S. (2016). Characterization and use of a fiber optic sensor based on PAH/SiO2 film for humidity sensing in ventilator care equipment. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 63(9), 1985-1992.

Objective: To develop a compact probe that can be used to monitor humidity in ventilator care equipment. A mesoporous film of alternate layers of Poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and silica (SiO2) nanoparticles (bilayers), deposited onto an optic... Read More about Characterization and use of a fiber optic sensor based on PAH/SiO2 film for humidity sensing in ventilator care equipment.