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Teaching on the AMU ward round (2011)
Journal Article
Cooper, N. (2011). Teaching on the AMU ward round. Acute Medicine, 10(3), 121 - 172

AMU ward rounds can be busy, and many consultants feel they are ‘too busy to teach’. Yet the AMU is a rich learning environment. If we take the starting point that teaching is not the same as learning, how can consultants facilitate learning during a... Read More about Teaching on the AMU ward round.

Lumbar puncture (2011)
Journal Article
Cooper, N. (2011). Lumbar puncture. Acute Medicine, 10(4), 173-232.

Most junior doctors learn common practical procedures, like lumbar puncture, on the job. This usually involves unstructured observation, demonstration and then supervised practice. Thus, most doctors have learned to perform a lumbar puncture without... Read More about Lumbar puncture.

Leadership in the Sultanate of Oman (2011)
Book Chapter
Common, R. (2011). Leadership in the Sultanate of Oman. In B. D. Metcalfe, & F. Mimouni (Eds.), Leadership Development in the Middle East (152-168). Edward Elgar Publishing

Typical Errors for Fraction Addition and Subtraction-A Review of Empirical Error Analysis (2011)
Journal Article
Eichelmann, A., Narciss, S., Schnaubert, L., & Melis, E. (2012). Typical Errors for Fraction Addition and Subtraction-A Review of Empirical Error Analysis. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik, 33(1), 29-57.

Fraction tasks are challenging for many pupils. Investigating the sources of these challenges and the typical errors related to them is an essential prerequisite for developing instructions or interventions which foster the acquisition of knowledge a... Read More about Typical Errors for Fraction Addition and Subtraction-A Review of Empirical Error Analysis.

The effects of Community Service Learning projects on L2 learners’ cultural understanding (2011)
Journal Article
Zapata, G. (2011). The effects of Community Service Learning projects on L2 learners’ cultural understanding. Hispania, 94(1), 86-102

This small-scale study investigates the effects of community service learning (CSL) projects or a cultural presentation on the development of the cultural understanding of low- and high-intermediate L2 students. Fifty-two learners in four sections of... Read More about The effects of Community Service Learning projects on L2 learners’ cultural understanding.

Parallaxes and paradoxes of Global Citizenship: Critical reflections and possibilities of praxis in/through an international online course. (2011)
Book Chapter
Swanson, D. M. (2011). Parallaxes and paradoxes of Global Citizenship: Critical reflections and possibilities of praxis in/through an international online course. In L. Shultz, A. A. Abdi, & G. H. Richardson (Eds.), Global Citizenship Education in Post Secondary Institutions: Theories, Practices, Policies (120-139). Peter Lang

"Global citizenship" has become a popular term in recent times. Often its deployment is intended to evoke the full ambit of intersectionalities of the global justices. An interest in the concept and its rationalization in the contemporary era are mar... Read More about Parallaxes and paradoxes of Global Citizenship: Critical reflections and possibilities of praxis in/through an international online course..

Multimodal imaging of fluid transport in living epithelial sheets (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Webb, K. F., Zhang, J., & Somekh, M. (2011, December). Multimodal imaging of fluid transport in living epithelial sheets. Presented at 2011 Functional Optical Imaging, FOI 2011, Ningbo, China

Detailed knowledge on the biophysical mechanisms and local intercompartmental dynamics by which fluid and solute transport is achieved and regulated at the cellular and subcellular level is lacking. In this paper, cultures of immortalised human retin... Read More about Multimodal imaging of fluid transport in living epithelial sheets.

A comparative analysis of projected impacts of climate change on river runoff from global and catchment-scale hydrological models (2011)
Journal Article
Gosling, S. N., Taylor, R. G., Arnell, N. W., & Todd, M. C. (2011). A comparative analysis of projected impacts of climate change on river runoff from global and catchment-scale hydrological models. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(1), 279-294.

We present a comparative analysis of projected impacts of climate change on river runoff from two types of distributed hydrological model, a global hydrological model (GHM) and catchment-scale hydrological models (CHM). Analyses are conducted for six... Read More about A comparative analysis of projected impacts of climate change on river runoff from global and catchment-scale hydrological models.

Sound and the Cultural Politics of Time in the Avant-garde: Wyndham Lewis’s Critique of Bergsonism (2011)
Book Chapter
Mansell, J. G. (2011). Sound and the Cultural Politics of Time in the Avant-garde: Wyndham Lewis’s Critique of Bergsonism. In A. Gasiorek, A. Reeve-Tucker, & N. Waddell (Eds.), Wyndham Lewis and the Cultures of Modernity (111-126). Routledge

Writing on the eve of the First World War, the French philosopher Julien Benda concluded that music had become ‘a profound signature of the modern spirit’.1 According to Benda, this obsession was responsible for the anti-intellectual culture of moder... Read More about Sound and the Cultural Politics of Time in the Avant-garde: Wyndham Lewis’s Critique of Bergsonism.

Mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK): a potential cancer drug target (2011)
Journal Article
Sanhaji, M., Friel, C. T., Wordeman, L., Louwen, F., & Yuan, J. (2011). Mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK): a potential cancer drug target. Oncotarget, 2(12), 935-947.

The inability to faithfully segregate chromosomes in mitosis results in chromosome instability, a hallmark of solid tumors. Disruption of microtubule dynamics contributes highly to mitotic chromosome instability. The kinesin-13 family is critical in... Read More about Mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK): a potential cancer drug target.

Business knowledges within and between the world city (2011)
Book Chapter
Faulconbridge, J., & Hall, S. (2011). Business knowledges within and between the world city. In B. Derudder, P. J. Taylor, & F. Witlox (Eds.), International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities (230-239). Edward Elgar Publishing

Was Thomas Favent a political pamphleteer? Faction and politics in later fourteenth-century London (2011)
Journal Article
Dodd, G. (2011). Was Thomas Favent a political pamphleteer? Faction and politics in later fourteenth-century London. Journal of Medieval History, 37(4), 397-418.

Thomas Favent's Historia has long been recognised as an important source for the turbulent middle years of Richard II's reign, in particular for its praise of the actions of the Lords Appellant in the Merciless Parliament of 1388. But why did Favent... Read More about Was Thomas Favent a political pamphleteer? Faction and politics in later fourteenth-century London.

The role of green roofs on reducing heating and cooling loads: a database across Chinese climates (2011)
Journal Article
Kokogiannakis, G., Tietje, A., & Darkwa, J. (2011). The role of green roofs on reducing heating and cooling loads: a database across Chinese climates. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 11(B),

This paper aims to use detailed modelling techniques and develop a database for assessing in a quick and easy way the energy performance of green roof designs across a range of Chinese climates. The focus is on heating and cooling loads by calculatin... Read More about The role of green roofs on reducing heating and cooling loads: a database across Chinese climates.

Influence of screw holes and gamma sterilization on properties of phosphate glass fiber-reinforced composite bone plates (2011)
Journal Article
Han, N., Ahmed, I., Parsons, A. J., Harper, L., Scotchford, C. A., Scammell, B. E., & Rudd, C. D. (2013). Influence of screw holes and gamma sterilization on properties of phosphate glass fiber-reinforced composite bone plates. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 27(8), 990-1002.

Polymers prepared from polylactic acid (PLA) have found a multitude of uses as medical devices. For a material that degrades, the main advantage is that an implant would not necessitate a second surgical event for removal. In this study, fibers produ... Read More about Influence of screw holes and gamma sterilization on properties of phosphate glass fiber-reinforced composite bone plates.

Application of airborne LiDAR data and airborne multispectral imagery to structural mapping of the upper section of the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus (2011)
Journal Article
Grebby, S., Cunningham, D., Naden, J., & Tansey, K. (2012). Application of airborne LiDAR data and airborne multispectral imagery to structural mapping of the upper section of the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101(6),

Structural maps are traditionally produced by mapping features such as faults, folds, fabrics, fractures and joints in the field. However, large map areas and the spatially limited ground perspective of the field geologist can potentially increase th... Read More about Application of airborne LiDAR data and airborne multispectral imagery to structural mapping of the upper section of the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus.

Lesson planning guidelines for student teachers: A scaffold for the development of pedagogical content knowledge (2011)
Journal Article
Rusznyak, L., & Walton, E. (2011). Lesson planning guidelines for student teachers: A scaffold for the development of pedagogical content knowledge. Education as Change, 15(2), 271-285.

Lesson planning for student teachers is often regarded in technical terms, merely as the means to ensure effective classroom performance. This approach limits the possibilities that the process of lesson planning offers to the development of professi... Read More about Lesson planning guidelines for student teachers: A scaffold for the development of pedagogical content knowledge.