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All Outputs (4)

Geocellular railway drainage systems: physical and numerical modelling (2019)
Journal Article
Tasalloti, A., Marshall, A. M., Heron, C. M., & Hashemi, M. A. (2020). Geocellular railway drainage systems: physical and numerical modelling. Transportation Geotechnics, 22, 1-12

The importance of resilient railway infrastructure is paramount when considering the increased likelihood of extreme weather and flash flood events in coming years. One of the main causes of instability of railway tracks is excess water in the trackb... Read More about Geocellular railway drainage systems: physical and numerical modelling.

Stability and characterisation of spoil heaps in European surface lignite mines: a state-of-the-art review in light of new data (2019)
Journal Article
Masoudian, M. S., Zevgolis, I. E., Deliveris, A. V., Marshall, A. M., Heron, C. M., & Koukouzas, N. C. (2019). Stability and characterisation of spoil heaps in European surface lignite mines: a state-of-the-art review in light of new data. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78(16), Article 505.

The large amount of spoil material produced during the mining process imposes a significant economic and environmental liability on lignite producers. In this context, the present paper provides an overview of the geotechnical characteristics of Euro... Read More about Stability and characterisation of spoil heaps in European surface lignite mines: a state-of-the-art review in light of new data.

Real-time data coupling for hybrid testing in a geotechnical centrifuge (2019)
Journal Article
Idinyang, S., Franza, A., Heron, C. M., & Marshall, A. M. (2019). Real-time data coupling for hybrid testing in a geotechnical centrifuge. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 19(4), 208-220.

Geotechnical centrifuge models necessarily involve simplifications compared to the full-scale scenario under investigation. In particular, structural systems (e.g. buildings or foundations) generally can’t be replicated such that complex full-scale c... Read More about Real-time data coupling for hybrid testing in a geotechnical centrifuge.

Analysis of particle contact using frustrated total internal reflection (2019)
Journal Article
Hashemi, M. A., & Heron, C. M. (2019). Analysis of particle contact using frustrated total internal reflection. Meccanica, 24(4-5), 653–665.

Within the field of soil mechanics a continuum assumption is generally adopted in order to avoid the complications of modelling micro-mechanical behaviour. However, certain constitutive behaviour can only be explained by investigating particle level... Read More about Analysis of particle contact using frustrated total internal reflection.