Books, bytes and bridges: libraries and computer centers in academic institutions / Larry Hardesty (editor). – Chicago and London: American Library Association, 2000. – 220p. – 0-8389-0771-7: £40.50. The convergence of libraries and computer services has been an important issue in higher education institutions (HEIs) for over a decade. It is then surprising that this is (as far as I know) the first full-scale book devoted to the subject. As such it is a welcome addition to the literature. The book consists of a number of short papers by different authors which together provide a very useful overview of the issues associated with collaboration and merger of the different ‘information services’. The contributors are all practitioners (librarians and IT professionals) with personal experience of merged services. They come from a variety of HEIs (large and small, research-oriented and teaching-focused) and their collective experience is worth sharing. The book opens with some informative essays covering the background. These include a useful review of the US literature on the subject. The main body of the book consists of general discussions and case studies. There are interesting discussions on some of the key themes associated with the merger issue, including the role of the Chief Information Officer (merged-service manager), the drivers for change (top- down and bottom-up), and cultural issues. Between them the contributions illustrate a number of models of ‘merger’ (a term used by virtually all of the authors). What is missing is a systematic discussion of what ‘merger’ actually means. Although this is of course implicit through much of the book, there is no explicit discussion of this which compares different models. The nearest we get are two essays based on data collected from interviews of staff from a number of HEIs. But many of the other contributions do not acknowledge that there is a wide spectrum of options open to institutions and seem to portray the choice simply as ‘to merge or not to merge’. The UK term used in this area, ‘convergence’, may be helpful here in providing a different perspective. ‘Convergence’ is used to describe a broad set of possibilities ranging at one end from ‘formal convergence’ (bringing the organisations together at various levels) to ‘informal convergence’ (planned collaboration) at the other. Between these two extremes are a whole range of options. There are many options for HEIs, but ‘opt out’ is not one of them. In today’s information environment, the key question on convergence is not ‘whether’ but ‘how?’. From this point of view the case study approach is useful. It is always interesting to see how others have done it. Some of the contributions include organisational structure charts which are fascinating. But there are probably too many of these types of essays and after reading a few, the next ones do not seem to add very much to cumulative picture. All too often they seem to be ‘at our college we did it like this’ and ‘at our university we did it like that’. This becomes rather repetitive. It is perhaps inevitable in a book with multiple contributors that there is a certain amount of repetition between the chapters but there is, however, rather too much of it here – perhaps evidence of too light an editorial touch. Many of the papers seem to follow the formula of describing the institution, rehearsing the historical developments which have meant that convergence has been seen as a way forward, discussing how the change was managed and giving an overview of key issues. There is often too much narrative and not enough analysis. As well as a case study section, I would like to have seen a more thematic one. Some of the key issues associated with convergence might in this way have been dealt with more thoroughly. Examples of key themes might have included: setting up and managing merged help desks, marketing and publications, staff training, professional cultures, finance, creating Virtual Learning Environments, proactive learning and research support and authentication management. These issues are dealt with by some of the authors but normally only superficially as part of an overview of individual institutions. The ‘academic institutions’ in the subtitle are entirely US institutions. This is a missed opportunity. Many other countries have interesting stories to tell. In the UK and Australia, for instance, there are many examples of convergence. As well as interesting experiences within different countries, there are issues of comparison between different countries. In the US, UK and Australia, convergence of some kind seems to be common, but in some continental European countries it is still rare. Why? This question still needs answering. As this is the first book on this important subject, perhaps my expectations of it were too high. One book can only do so much. This book certainly makes a worthwhile contribution to the professional literature. It will be useful to practitioners in particular. However, it has illustrated that there is a lot more to be said on this issue. Stephen Pinfield Academic Services Librarian, University of Nottingham